Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

Yes! Looks like M-72
I wish they introduce indirect fire for them
Artillery Is the king of the battle

its an IFV

What is this ?

we saw 2 helicopter 1 right at the start and 1 AH 64, would be intresting if they just were flavours or gonna be new additions

Oh Christ no
Won’t happen

First French IFV finally !

AMX10P i’m happy !

Wonder if it come with or without Milan launcher

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the F111

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Plane xD


f111 from back

so is the one for japan but it ended up in an spaa line

doesn’t look like it

cant wait to see these high quality shells pass straight through a t80s ammo rack and do nothing XD



I saw that first and knew immediately, wasnt sure if they were going t show the whole thing later or not



I see no milan, so take your autocannon and eat baguette

he is just a goofy lil guy.

Honestly kinda glad they are adding this as its an interesting vehicle

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He is referring to SUB-1-II

The Mitsubishi SUB-I-II was a prototype for the Type 73 APC

An AMX-10P? Bruh.