Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

It seems that it won’t happen now

we said from the start it is likjely not happening lol

The snail speed is really too fast🐌

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You guys need to stop getting so excited for things that probably won’t happen lmao

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me when no devblog



Who no-clipped a horse lmao

i mean they could also deny that anything comes out of it doesnt make the schedule. Like it happened multiple times this week

Smin literaly denied the 2nd devblog from happening, considering all the other dev blogs they delayed it is very likely they aint ready yet

“no horses were hurt in the recording of this meme… maybe”

Maybe not physically but definitely mentaly, that horse is gonna have been through some shit man

Yes a 2nd blog but he did get confused between a teaser and a trailer remember.

So of teaser’s and trailers are different things then these are too

worry not since its an ultra reallistic plastic horse

Gaijin never had a concept of time, we players all waited at night, even staying up until three or four in the morning, while Gaijin did nothing, and teaser never had an accurate time plan

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Gmod props are getting hyper realistic these days damn

Roach is that you

The only people saying there would be a teaser tonight are players, not Gaijin themselves. Can’t exactly blame Gaijin for not delivering something they never claimed they would


That is just sad, to hear to be honest.

my hopium levels for a leopard 2 devblog are over the top