how do make spoilers
Not really. Sufa wouldn’t even be better than current F-16C if implemented with the same missiles and (as always) not modelled jammers and extra avionics.
I want to believe as Marlborough got huge penetration nerf and went to 6.7, and Iron duke added as premium, HMS King Geroge V(41) would come as replacement.

The Obama has a worse engine than the F-16C and is heavier, the Sufa’s engine produces less thrust than the F-16C still, but it has a lower bypass ratio so might be a little faster at higher altitudes and may burn less fuel on afterburner. It’s still heavier though, and unlike the Obama it can carry Derby and AMRAAM, so will be future proof for Fox 3 just like the 16C, the 15C would be a good addition too for obvious reasons. But I prefer Sufa.
Think he’s talking about the Barak
That makes sense
OBAMA plane
What are our options for new nations anyway, from what i can see its either yugoslavia, poland or korea?
I think we shouldn’t let Benelux out of the equation. They have alot of indigenous tanks and ships and alot of people are asking for it. As for as I know.
middle eastern coalition
Yeah but i feel belgium would become a french sub tree or something, plus people have said BeNeLux will come for years
They are better sub nations nothing more, like that they can focus on the unique additions
Probs not now after recent events
oh shi u right
still hope silly nation 11.0 t55s
As a dutchie I will give it my all to never get the netherlands as a sub tree to either Germany or Sweden.
I think she would be broken, but as a British main I’m not complaining. Seems fitting that we get the next step into the next generation considering we invented the Dreadnought, Super Dreadnought, Battlecruiser and Fast Battleship
At this point just make all nations into NATO or WP + China so we dont have to keep arguing over what vehicles go where