I saw a few people posting really weird fucked up BAE prototypes a while back. But I think they’ll steer away from those and stick to normal jets
BAe P.1214/ 1216 also sprout to mind
Finally a Leaker
B-but muh supersonic Vtol X-wing plane
even more cursed than the German VTOL Starfighter?
I doubt it so soon after them getting a 12.3 to get another, but its possible
Yeah ive got a picture laying around somewhere, hold on
We should stop beating around the bush and give USA the YF-12 lmao
what the hell is that?
who drew and X on the Drawing board and thought good Idea actually
It would make sense that they would add the Lavi and J10 at the same time since the J10 is a continuation of the Lavi
No gib Britain Alpha jet
You forgetting that there is more Russian bias in this game than us right?
Now that would be cool in game
it would also however make sense that they spontaneously decided not to add the Lavi now because of the current Critical Political Situation
they’ll probably delay it until things cool off a little
It’s funny that Germany also tested the F-15 just in our case the E variant. Would be funny if both would come as an event some time in the future
80s replacement for the harrier, before we went down the Joint strike fighter route (F35) it had its engine fully tested so it technically meets the criteria
Not too mention they already have a 12.3. More likely it will just get Python 4s this update than an entire new jet
I’m not fuming, just sad.
I blame them for not putting it in the French TT too, since it’s the only French oscillating 105mm turret in the game. (and you even have France in the name of the project, “Deutschland France 105”)
Even if they don’t want copy pasta it, so where are the French vehicles with this turret? (AMX 13-105) More than one year and still not coming.
And yes, we have vehicle with milan launcher
AMX 10P can carry milan (you know, a French IFV, something new for the game)
VBL milan (can come with 20mm, or AA missile, would be similar to a wheeled wiesel family)
And the list go on.
I mean Israel has already got a 2nd gen F-16 I doubt they will add another.
This is just bullying Britain at this point