Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

They brought them and made 30 serial numbers for them so that is enough :)

Better than the AJ

Who need manpads when you have Vihrs?

It’ll be better once it makes it into Naval - easier targets there.

I don’t care if it’s “better” or “more realistic” than the AJ, Japan needed the AJ, Britain does not need a fake F-16

Also the German shouldn’t get the Kf 41 so you heard it folk


Na. What this game needs it an M8 LAC modernized to hell and back.
(If I found a suggest for this here I would 100% vote yes.)


Gonna be a Paladin collector or nah?


Stingers > Vikhr.


Gotta grind 'em all!

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Ah yes, because just not operating them is the same as not building them and not operating them either at the same time

Well, i guess i can get 4 of them so why not?

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RNZAF F-16 > Harrier


Also Gaijin give us only one mistral, while we have upgrades variants.

Mistral 1 : 6 km, 25G
Mistral 2 : 6.5km, 32G.

I’ve read about a Mistral 3 but not sure if tested, or what are the specs.

Anyway, for Gaijin we are only worth “one” mistral, and worst than the first IRL variants (12G afaik ingame?), reported since somes times but hey, we’re not going to let France be too big a threat to countries that bring in more players/money, are we?

Edit : Mistral 3 exist apparently, and can be used not only for flying things (perhaps same for older variants)



In my expireince Vihrs are still more consistend on killing than stinger. And im saying this not as a user but as a reciver.

Give the UK the Avro Arrow at 13.0 it is totally at top-tier fighter /s

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Von agree with me as he like the post everyone go mad wwwwwwwwwwooooooooooahhhhhhhhhh lol

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They’re likely still verifying information & it being low priority.

I apologize in advance since I’m going to be blunt…
You are honestly starting to be annoying with the whole copy-paste thing
I’m sorry but it needed to be said.


Well there is no rules now so everything is a go : D


You know. Not Biased on anything i would love to see the priority list the devs have. Just to see what they deem important and what nearly obsolite