Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Its still a paper plane they could warp it a bit and make it fire amraams realism left the chat with that plane

Almost hard to imagine all of these being time-limited event rewards

But these are all vehicles which are already here - I wonder what they’ll be adding in their stead ( which could later appear here in WT 😳 )

That would be news to me. Never seen or heard of the Kai with fox 3s besides one mention of using AAM-4 but nothing confirmed.

Theoretically the EJ-Kai could fire AMRAAMs, however as far as I know they never mounted AMRAAMs or even AAM-4s to it, only Sparrows.

Smin has already pretty much denied a new soviet top tier jet on account of MiG-29SMT.

Maybe it’d look more like:
USA literally nothing lmao
GER MiG-29G or F4F ICE
USSR Literally nothing lmao
GBR Sea harrier FA.2, BAe Hawk 200, CF-18 or AMRAAM Tornado
Japan EJKAI Upgraded or F15
China Literally nothing lmao
Italy AV-8B+ (I think is AMRAAM capable)
France something maybe? No idea…
Sweden Gripen C
Israel F-15?

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It’s still just a Phantom tho, same issue as with the german F-4F ICE

Okay… and? That’s not the topic at hand.

Lmao and you flagged my post about it

we found the person who flagged many posts

Israel wont get f15 if us isnt getting one US mains would go MENTAL

The problem with the Kai is the radar. It’s still kind of a mystery what version of APG-66 it is. It’s just called APG-66J but never specified what version. Right now in game it is a bareboned early F-16A radar so no fox 3 capabilities.


You’re probably right, but…
USA doesn’t have it yet Italy and GBR do.


Praying for the Hawk, but I don’t think that will be the new addition for Britain

holy moly, i got 30 notifications, all my posts were flagged, even normal posts

US mains cant even lmao ok

Excuse me, but that’s Harrier Gr.7 to you, sir

Thats a less significant plane tho the F15 is favourite for many aircraft enjoyers

Both Harrier IIs.

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Yeah, that’s also an issue. I’ve heard it’s been upgraded to handle Fox-3s, but I have no proof of this other than rumors. I’ve also never seen an EJ-Kai carrying Fox-3s. Though they usually didn’t even carry Sparrows on them either and we know it can carry those.

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Okay, any credibility you might have had is gone, please take your soviet bias else where.

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The realist in me wants to say:

  • We get nothing at all
  • We get Sea Harrier FA.2 which gets dunked on
  • We get Tornado (Sustainment Programme) which gets somewhat less but still dunked on.

The optimist in me wants to say:

  • Gaijin have said Commonwealth will fill the gaps for nations who cant fill them domestically
  • We get Canadian CF-18 as an analogue to F-16C
  • We get BAe Hawk as a weird subsonic, turn fighting AMRAAM slinger
  • We get a SAAF Gripen
  • We get an obscure jet noone’s heard of
