If they are actually adding the Gripen AND are getting all nations to the point of having competitive AMRAAM platforms
Doesn’t seem like politics maybe he tried to give some context about it
Australia was established as a nation in 1901, gained independence 1986
i do not count the f4f ice as a competitive amraam platform just saying
Me neither lol
good so we are at the same understanding xD
it was a Stop Gap and they took the MiG-29 As soon as Uncle Honnecker dissolved his GDR
But hey, at least britain would get some company then
The gripen is 100% being added they said in a Q&A during SOA update that sweden and the Uk will get new top tier fighters. Sweden doesnt have anything other than the gripen to add so that confirms the gripen is coming
jokes on you britain gets the grippen and germany is left alone
That would still leave the issue of certain nations not having competitive AMRAAM platforms
and thats why I play Sweden too
Nah man, britain’s gonna get an AMRAAM capable Tornado and that Sea Harrier FA.2
Edit: or my fave, the Hawk 200
not sure of that, during the qna gajin confirmed a fighter specialy
Which nations?
Left alone? Germany will still have the mig 29…… and the f4f will be insane with its hornet radar
You think gaijin think about everyone having a competitive olatform just look at sweden and the uk for the last 2 years
The proper designation Sea Harrier F(A).2 is short for Sea Harrier Fighter (Attacker) 2
gaijin: lmao got them brits
Japan, germany, britain and unless we skip straight ahead to later AMRAAMs (or they hella nerf MICAs) france
Eh a Super Heavy Phantom with AMRAAM Bs and Seriously Sub Par Flight Performance wont be too good of a competitor
and a MiG-29 with SRAH missiles as only medium range would suffer against the Shoot and scoot playstyle that AMRAAMs will bring