Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

wait what, i just checked it dosent

all I ever found out about the original 2A7 is that all of them started their life as Canadian 2A6 and got a breach modification to allow some new shell to be used

advertisment of the 2A7V specialy states upgraded internal armor as well compared to older models

well i hope we get an interesting leopard 2 for next update at least if not im still bombing the orphanage

ah yeah found the part new part of the 2A7V the PERI R R17A3 3rd gen commander thermal, 2A7 might have had a gunner thermal upgrade? at least it wasnt mentioned here , still yeah 2A7 isnt an upgrade, we are hoping the next addition is either the 2A6EX or the PSO-VT, those would be actual upgrades with the full front plate add on armor and better thermals

those would be amazing tbh btw, when japanese railgun strike?

Very pretty ship. Most people seem to hate naval, but I’d love to start seeing more of the bigger ships make their way to War Thunder… Just… Hopefully with an increase in size of the normal naval maps(Like how EC was done for ARB). Not as big as EC, just, not immediate engagement range when you spawn in.

when i believe someone makes actual useable railgun it is the japanese, the us failed at it

Leopard 2A7A1


japan is testing one rn in one of their ships, idk how but they managed to make a relatively compact heavy battery that its incredibly effective in storing energy



Real working gun picture



very very heavy it dosent even have better powerpack so its uuuh wacky

remind me was the 2A7A1 put on the standard 2A7 or on the 2A7V?

it was put on the 2A7V if im not wrong

Vickers Mk4…

smooth vickers

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tha guy in the yellow jacket looks like my english teacher

lets hope it was, else we can call it 2A6A1 in the future in the game

It could be him chilling in his tank

that would too fit his reaction to people spelling the word I in lowercase or switching your and you’re up

ye it is i checked its only difference within the leopard2A7V its the aps and that’s it