Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Btw did they just call Hungary a new nation pppahahaha.


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Oh, Hi. Glad to see new major update :3

Eh, once again an update mostly catered to Russian an the US. Glad i got no premium, means i can skip this update outside a few dailies and wait for the next one. There is a lot great games being released currently

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I also have this on ps5, everything is up to date and look like a lot of people are having this

I can defo already feel the heat this update

“so there may be a solution for Poland too.”

“We are currently researching whether we can do something in Hungary and some other countries.”

Currently, War Thunder features 10 playable nations
and we have no intentions of stopping there! However,
as we introduce new nations,
it becomes increasingly challenging to capture the attention of veteran players.
They have already traversed the ranks multiple times, and therefore,
each new journey through a different tree becomes less captivating.


yeah we know it’s like the 10th time you cite that interview


shoudnt the next update be next month? yeah i know date are not fixed mumble mumble, but its pretty close, do you think they skip it and make a big one in december?

While it’s very much likely that we see new nations in the near future. There is no hard evidence for them coming next update.

I really stopped hating on the idea of new nations. They are just another tree that will be nearly abandoned by Gaijin the moment the tree is released.

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  • 2 Interviews,
    1 Road map .

Like this is thee update for that nation m8 and you know me by now so obviously I’m going to talk about it heavily this time

They have done 5 updates per year for the last 5 years at least. I very much doubt they would skip the 4th update this year.

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2 of those 3 things didn’t even mention poland

Means they’re continuing to redo flags to the new statcard style, all of these apart from the Weimar Republic one had been in the files prior to the update.

Some are known to be associated w/ vehicle which have been leaked:

Bulgarian BMP-23 ( ), probably for the Italy subtree

the Netherlands H-75A7 and B-25J-30

Thailand H-75N

Yugoslavia Fury Mk.1


M8 it obvious they are researching Poland. They know people play want a Polish tech tree.
It’s like been almost 2 years since then and that more then enough time. IIcr Sweden taken 18 months to do. So it’s almost the same timeframe. Plus gaijin don’t say nothing for nothing regarding nations and sub trees

that’s true even if those leaks are quite old
i don’t think there was a single leak of anything belgian though, and i’m not sure about iraq either so what about those?

We’ve never seen anything belonging to them in the files, in leaks, or in discussions for future content. So there 's really nothing we can say apart from that their flags are in the files.

Though, this Iraqi flag is that of the Kingdom of Iraq, which may change what it implies could be in the works.

What’s the rough timeline for next update? Mid October?

See FAQ on original post.

Q: When will we get the patch?

  • Currently, the best guess is October 2023.

My bet is on a T-90S in the Soviet tree with some of the T-72B3’s ERA skirts, per Iraq’s T-90S. Since there were so many complaints about the Indian T-90S being in the British tree and not the Soviet one.


To add the devblog season may begin around 3 weeks.

So not long at all

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Thanks, honestly haven’t read the first post in R+R in a few years because I thought it was just copy paste xD

Everyone hates a copy paste