Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

You do realise those planes have wildly varying degrees of BVRAAM capabilities, right?
Especially France is way ahead of the pack with their MICAs

Could do that, though its Aim-120C equivalent right? Need to be careful with what gets what and when. Though relaitvely low performance platform

They can limit the capabilities of MICA for now

Or MICA IR short term

and remember the last time we got a new AAM system is was also not for all but more for most nations

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I think it’s well possible that they’ll just exclude Germany and France on the Everyone gets F3 this update policy

Yeah, last time they didn’t specifically announce that they’d take precautions tho

The J-8F announcement gave insights into their plans, which are to only introduce BVRAAMs when all nations are ready

f4f ICE is entirely possible to be added.

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yes of cause but we’re talking about already in game platforms

I know it’s a very capable missile but ARH missiles arent that effective in warthunder.It would most likely perform like a aim 54 with R-27ER’s performance.

Ah, though we do know Britian for example is getting a new jet this year. Sea harrier FA2 is my guess and perfect early AMRAAM launcher. So that is my guess.

radar capability is a huge factor in SRAH and It will be too in ARH

just now the Plane’s radar doesn’t matter that much anymore, it’s zhe missile’s radar we need to care about

the 27ER was easily nerfed by reducing the MiG-29s radar reliability

aint no way he believed the thai sub tree fake leak


Idk if this helps. @someweirdname


The F-111K was to be based around the airframe of the original F-111A version built for the U.S. Air Force,
but was to feature a number of alterations and adaptations. Structurally,
the aircraft would be similar to F-111A with the heavy duty undercarriage from the strategic bomber version.
This allowed for a greater gross weight to be designed into the aircraft. The other major design change from the F-111A was in its avionics,
with the design calling for the Mark II package developed for the F-111D version, which featured a new inertial navigation and attack system,
incorporating the Rockwell International AN/APQ-130 attack radar, an IBM on-board computer,
the Marconi AN/APN-189 doppler navigation radar and the Sperry Corporation AN/APQ-128 terrain following radar.
The plan was then to pair this avionics package with British designed and developed mission systems,
of which the main elements were the reconnaissance capability and weapon carriage. The F-111K was to feature a revised weapons bay,
containing a new removable centreline weapons pylon, which was beneficial given the design of the underwing pylons
– the F-111 had four stations under each wing, but only the inner pair were designed to pivot, meaning that the outer pair could not be used with the wings in full sweepback mode.
All of the weapon pylons featured British designed ejector rack units. Unlike the U.S. versions,
the aircraft was given provision for a pallet inside the weapons bay that would feature a British designed reconnaissance system,
with three camera windows located next to the nosewheel undercarriage. The aircraft was designed with an aerial refuelling probe compatible with the “probe and drogue” system used by the RAF,
similar to the one fitted to the F-111B, although mounted differently.

Its the idea that htey can fire and then turn away when it goes active. Not too mention marked improvement over weapon systems like SkyTrash. It would certainly help a few jets

oh god he actually asked the RAF

Ah lol.

No I just taken it off the wiki hehe

Leaks provide loads of easy content, doesnt matter if they are fake or not
Gotta take every easy chance to pump out a low effort video


it was from this “leak list”

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it would finally allow a more modern playstyle

you could hide in the mountains in Afghanistan or Pyranees and throw one out while immediately returning to safe cover