Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

2A7HU is a 2A7+. 2A8 adds Trophy, much like SEP V3 adds Trophy.

eh works to snipe helis when they try dodging

I would rather have a K variant true it’s fake but at least it will have Rolls Royce engines lol

2a8 is supposed to add way more detailed plans arent ready yet, only trophy would be the 2a7a1

SEPv2 also has trophy though. They shipped some to Germany equipped with Trophy for a time iirc.

nah Iranian F-14 used R-27 :)

As far as I know, the Iranian F-14 can carry AIM-7Es, AIM-9Js, AIM-9Ps, AIM-23 (MIM-23) Hawks, and R-27R missiles

Specific SEP V2 units were tested with Trophy, and units later on may have had them equipped, however the vast majority didn’t use Trophy, and the one we’d see in WT likely wouldn’t have Trophy if the hull & turret upgrades are implemented.

And your source for this bit is?

The BR system.

besides that hungary wont be the among the initial recipents of a rank 8 vehicle, there are still Ariete version lefts, including full armored packaged ones that “classify” by the furthest sense as a rank 8 ( we know how gajin treats the ariete series) or do you guys suggest to say that italy tree will receive multiple rank 8s at once?

That is not really a source though.

Seeing as the SEPv2 will likely have worse armor than the 2A7+ and worse firepower if they leave it with M829A2 trophy could be used to balance it against the 2A7+/HU.

His ass is his source for most of what he says

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Worse armor? lol SEP 2 improves hull & turret armor.
Firepower is the same, as A2 & DM53 perform similar enough.

Italy’s unlikely to get their final Ariete C2 quite yet, especially if 2A7+ was easier to develop.
As for rank 8 ground, it’ll consist of the 11.7s & up, and maybe 11.3s tho time will tell with that one.

The Arena-M APS is currently being tested and evaluated by the Russian Army and is expected to be installed on some of the modernized tanks, such as the T-80BVM and the T-90M.

The version of T-90M we get won’t be Arena.

oh not necesarily the C2, there is a standard ariete with both war and pso armor kits equipped, gajin just decided to add the kits seperately on 2 tanks???, besides that my money is on italien community crying out if they dont receive their own tank but a copy pasta german tank lol

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I mean we had Python 4 and R-73 around for quite some time before ASRAAM entered service. Even the MICA entered service just a year after ASRAAM.

Improved hull armor can mean anything. And the only sources we have point to only a 15% increase in hull KE protection, meaning that it will end up in the low 500mm vs KE. Which is still a lolpen for most 11.7 MBTs at WT map ranges.

While we already have the protection values of the Leo 2 with add on kit, in the form of the Strv 122s.

Unless you have different sources of course.



I think Oxy was maybe referring to the Gripen ?

As people have been looking forward to that for a year now

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