Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Ban hammer time lol

pls dont take this nonsense i said seriously geez

TLDR: Benelux is stupid, other standalones make way more sense

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I vote for liechtenstein as our next TT. :P


no, France did not win the Franco-Dutch War

well makes more sense then benelux at least xD

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Vatican TT when?


I think Turkey would probably be the biggest next TT contender
Or India

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Well we do have their ground and air badges in the files

for the bhisma and the MBT60

Britain didn’t make anything IRL that can be 12.3 other than AMRAAM Tornado.
Britain IRL is why Britain in-game has limited options currently.
Meanwhile you’re just baiting British fans with incorrect information about War Thunder’s Britain.
ADATS being considered a TD is irrelevant to its functionality.

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No as in coat of arms decals


highly doubt it, they added the turkish skin lines this year, adding the nations itself after giving them a special event day makes no sense

Same with india after they just gave their vehicles to britain

Next best standalone trees in my opinion are Korea, Poland(East Germany lol), yugsolavia united

Actually… Turns out that isnt an option. Tornado F3 CSP that added AMRAAM also added ASRAAM… So… Im all for getting ASRAAM at 12.3 but I dont think others are.

except that isnt true. We may not have gotten a Gen 4 till the Typhoon (which may I point out is so good that its being considered way too OP to be added) but what Britain did have was ASRAAM a decade (nearly) before Aim-9x and IRIS-T

Also where is the Sky Shadow ECM on the Tornado IDS, GMR? Other core parts of our aircraft.

Not too mention dozens of missing aircraft. Jaguar Gr3A anyone?

It is when it has ATGM TD SP costs and not SPAA spawn costs like say the Pantsir

Eurofighter Typhoon DA.2 could easily be 12.3 as it’s got no guns, and only AIM-9Ls.
BAe Hawk 200
AMRAAM Tornado
Sea Harrier FA.2

Britian IRL has an insane amount of military history and vehicles to choose from. To say that it’s lacking in options is just insanely uneducated.

There’s nothing false about what I said.
Challenger 2 is broken, you can view mine or the rest of the community’s posts on the issue if you need citation.
There is no 10.0 aircraft for Britian
The V force is missing from the British Tree entirely.
There’s 2 light tanks in the entire Tech Tree made domestically by Britian
Britian’s war strategy for decades has relied on Land Rovers with ATGMs, WOMBAT rifles, Scout Cars, ATGM carriers, Light tanks and APCs. See: The Gulf War, Afghanistan, The Falklands war, The Cold War, Current day operations
The TT has only a 10.3 SPAA and that’s its highest tier. ADATS is a tank destroyer and thus its spawn cost is substancially higher than an SPAA, limiting it in game.
The Stormer HVM is broken.
There’s no SPAA for 6.0, 7.0, 9.0, 11.0
There’s no top tier fighter for Britian, despite the domestic and commonwealth options like CF-18 from Canada.

You’re just wrong, dude. If I can’t change your mind, fine but those are indesputable facts.
There’s literally pages and pages of vehicles I could give you that could be added and SHOULD be added to fill gaps in UKs TT, but has gone neglected.


Nah, they gave the premium Sho’t to Britian, The Petan to USA, and it all later got recategorised into the official TT. it’s been a long standing thing Gaijin does.

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Man I hope the next update is gonna expand the ARB map pool

Why are naval maps not part of the ARB map pool already anyways?

The Sustainment Programme Tornado can mount 9Ms and 9Ls on it while also carrying AMRAAM. You can see this functionality all the way back in the 1991 operation Granby Tornados. Gaijin also balances on weapons so it’s not a problem. Same as MiG29A not having R73

Well… Aim-9Ms were only briefly equipped during Granby because the modified rails kept breaking the 9Ms. Why they went with Aim-9Ls till ASRAAM. So its possible, but would be a-historical. Either way, AMRAAM aint gunna save the Tornado F3 or make it anyway competitive at top tier (unless it got really late Aim-120Cs)

Honestly? Tornado is fast, has a great radar, and AMRAAM capability. It’d be pretty good imo.
It would finally be a high alt sniper

Also not sure Ahistorical would be the word. It’s not really non-historical. The armament, even AIM9Ls were available to Tornado. It just didn’t use it.