Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Some other dude posted it earlier, the German fan with the russian name. Seems to be a fake.

Pretty sure most bombers already are pretty pointless in ARB and depending on the nation in GRB as well

Even if it’s just for the sake of the national pride behind the V-Bombers, I feel like we should be seeing some more jet bombers at some point

Plus, they would make for some great mission targets in EC

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because they screwed up how fast the current technology jumps are and people arent sure anymore what theoreticaly could happen next

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Does it have to ? " Introducing MR-ARH missiles to the game " could easily be a separate event from " introducing MR-ARH missiles to 4th gen aircraft ".

Why would they ? China might have had the opportunity to start like that too, but current evidence suggests they will not.

We might be on the verge of that already: I’ve been thinking the combined evidence we have for the Mirage 2000D RMV and the MICA IR could be related to how GJN may plan to give France something to compete when they add the other initial ARH launching platforms and their varying degrees of actual weapon.

The MiG-29SMT being a 1998 variant definitely doesnt help the situation lol

if people would start to actualy read my posts they would realise that

this is exactly the thing i said should happen

I’m just not sure why you’re bringing up the opposite possibility, when the evidence we have is against it occurring. Thought I’d missed something.

First off, this was a jab at the Lavi = J10. Second off, i’ve been in this community for a while now, no need to welcome me.

He is most likely pulling your leg by some how imported a user model into the asset viewer.
The fact that it’s got no markings and really similar to Tanaka model just says it all really

To be honest, we’re going too far with too little
One of the biggest things that are becoming important and that we don’t have are jammers.
Actually, any type of ECM, as we don’t have any system like that aside from the IRCM of the Su-39.

This is because with the way Gaijin is rushing new top tier aircraft, we’re probably going to get the Su-27 and the F-15C in Winter 2023 or Early 2024, both of which are powerful aircraft with unmatched electronics and combat capabilities.

In fact, ECM should have been added years ago because many aircraft that they added long ago had them.
For example: You wonder what’s the little “drop tank” below the MiG-21SMT that blocks the airbrake? That’s the ECM pod, which carries countermeasures and ECM equipment, but in War Thunder it only gives it the former option.

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It doesn’t mean anything. I remember that Leopard 2 PSO came to the La Royale devserver in the spring among CDK files, but it was only added to the game in the Sons of Attila release.

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Yeah, ECM systems really got neglected, it’s not like there wouldn’t have been enough airframes with ECM capabilities either
At this point I am not even sure if we’ll ever see more ECM systems other than IRCMs like those on the Su-25T/39 and certain helis/tanks

Would be interesing to see the CTA40 this update for France or UK; APDSFS + HE-VT is a nice combo.

None of the possible carriers would be ground breaking. In the case of France there is the VBCI 2 (T40) or the EBRC Jaguar; in the case of UK there is the Ajax or a modernized Warrior.


Hopefully, Gaijin stops rushing aircraft, and thinks about the features that need to be added to existing aircraft, because in a world of radar missiles and powerful radars, something so simple like an ECM pod is forgotten between all the talk about Decompression and Powercreep.

Give the existing aircraft the capabilities they had to defeat the most common threat in top tier: SARH missiles.
And that’s just ECM, there are a lot of things that need to be added to existing aircraft


Lol, Welcome to the new Forums

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Ima be realistic, Gaijin will probably add the Gripen, the F-15 and the Su-27 next update, because we know Gaijin more than they do

Yes, that’s how it was. And the model was still in a mercilessly bad condition. No developer obviously cared about it. Only when the community went on the barricades did they react. I’m really curious to see what comes out of “new Power” in the end.

As much as I hate to admit it, that would be right on gaijins alley

F-14A flashbacks

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Thankfully Smin had said USSR just got the SMT so no new USSR jets this update. Su-27 etc is out of the question


at least for this update, not sure about the december one lol