Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

What about balance ?

How do you balance a lower performing plane by giving it advanced weaponry ?

Already have. Example: CL-13 aircraft, and Leopard c1 mexas.

? the hell you talking about , it is the definiton of balance, low performing plane with advanced weaponry vs high performing plane (f16/mig29) with less advanced weaponry, is exactly what we would need

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Sad, take the Mirages F1s. To me they are way far from the meta, and it’s not the 2x magic2 that make them on par with others planes… Remove magics 2 and they could lose 1 full br. That’s not a good balance way.

we are talking about the future addition of fox 3 here you are aware of that?

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they call them magic’s because they are magically unreliable ingame(buff em)

we are talking about the way balance is made, wich is mostly the same about fox 3 or not, and this way of balancing things is far from perfect.

What’s needed are “walls” in BR that prevent certain technological advances to meet older ones.

It might work differently on a case by case basis. A MiG-21 with R77s would be formidable, but if it lacks a modern RWR, adequate chaff, flares, radar, fuel, it may be a fair fight against an F-16C with Aim-9Ms and Aim-7Ms.

Same thing with an F-4F ICE against a MiG-29 with R-27ERs and R-73s

we are specialy talking about the future of aircraft and how some countries end up with bad planes with fox 3 while others like the us and russia will start with f16 and mig 29s and fox 3 missles, this is a whole different matter, we are talking about the introduction of fox 3 missles on aircraft that are all equaly so that no side has a giant advantage over others

This same problem is similar to what we’ve been experiencing for some time.

After a while, some nations just don’t make the kind of advances / don’t build enough new vehicles that allow them to hold their own against others nations.

I highly doubt we’ll see ARH missiles on 4th gen platforms this year.

i stopped understanding all of this like on the 3rd comment

I think we first gonna have fox 3 on some already existing planes.

Problem is should we have a wall that protect older plane limited to fox2 to theses new meta planes?

We’re still deadset on AMRAAMs coming within the next two updates, eh?
We only just started getting IR missiles with ECCM and as gaijin have said themselves, BVRAAMs/AMRAAMs will get added to all nations at once, requiring all nations to have similarly capable AMRAAM platforms in the first place

We gonna enter a period of full modern copypast (already in with all these F-16s/Migs), sad to see the originality of each nations butchered to some few uniques

They will be meta only in BVR and even that is debateble since early AIM-120 had worse range than AIM-7F/M.

Yup, they should merge this thread with the wishlist thread

again that is the problem, that includes plans like the f16 and mig 29 which are way better then f4s and harrier, that is the whole problem i am saying already


Well, as long as there are no additional rumors and leaks being spread there is not much to discuss other than new possible vehicles and weapons/tech