Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Well, yes. But there is nothing to talk about 70% of the time and this topic is one of the most active on the forum. Humans are social creatures.

I hate to think the most active place to discuss the upcoming update is full of people who want to talk and speculate about the upcoming update…
That’d be awful!

I must admit, many of things talked here go FAR beyond next update

There are some like British and Sweden new top jets, gripen confirmed for this year, new sam for Japan confirmed being worked on, potential Hungary air sub tree, rumors of next new nation/sub tree, fox 3 rumors, t8 ground, new more powerful naval ships.

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If we only talked about Rumors we’d have a single page where someone says “I found an ejector rack in the CDK that wasn’t there before, and a discord screenshot from a chinese forum that says i’ll get 69696969 GE next update”


What I know, which is highly likely, is a Leopard variant, Hungarian Air Force, JAS-39 Gripen, Mitsubishi F-2. And another 3-4 rank 5 premium/bundle packages with a battleship or battlecruiser.

and Britain has been promised a new jet this year too. Which is what half this thread has been about. What that could be.

The Eurofighter Typhoon tranche 1, Dassault Rafale A or C and F/A-18 A/B Hornet will probably arrive either by Christmas or next year. These are roughly equal fighters.

and that is precisely what this thread has been debating, I personally reckon more likely Sea Harrier FA2 this year with early F-15, Su-27 and Gripen in Dec. and then Tranche 1 Typhoon and few others mid next year. But there are a few who seem to think no typhoon at all till 2025, which is just insane

and the MiG-25 or Mig-31?

Mig-25 is just a hypersonic straight line interceptor. Im not sure its value in WT at the moment (Its a worse version of the Tornado F3)

Mig-31 is way too advance, I reckon more like the time we See Tranche 2 Typhoon

Both age 1970-80 years and are capable of Mach 3 speed.

i see. That’d be a decent addition then.
I notice the brits like their hit-to-kill missile

Those kinds of speeds would make them a little OP in some respects. But I dont know enough about either of them to be honest. But considering most of what we have tops out at about 1.6 mach at the moment ,and thats really really pushing it. I doubt we’ll see something like the Mig-31 till we have something that can at least go mach 2

EF confirmed not soon, so no Rafales too, even if both could have early variants.

This is the Israeli Hafiz

yeh we bought it from the israelis…

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Any modifications done in the UK ones?Otherwise it shouldn’t be added in the UK tree.

the eurofighter got hard denied by smin for the near future, if they are rooughly equal fighter this denies the rafale and f/a 18 for at least another hald year