Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Yeah, with Britain DOA I’m gunna have to bite the bullet and farm out another tree to get something else fun to fly. I did look to see if there was any interesting prems last sale to buy for another tree. But there wasn’t anything that caught my fancy. So maybe if anything gets added this year

I’ve heard 10% but can’t recall where

Yea for some reason you can’t send full caps :(

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Also ground RP gain overhaul would be nice, it takes far too long even if you do average of 6 kill in ground rb game
Huh why did it ping somone?

Thats smaller than expected

Yeah, definetly never doing that again

Would never expect it to be more than 10 - 20% this is WT.

Im doing that in us and ussr. At least i was doing when i was playing. Now i do not have time or when i have it i do not feel like it

Actually, found this

"The preliminary bonus for each rank will be:

For rank IV +15%
For rank V + 25%
For rank VI + 35%
For ranks VII and VIII + 50%"

So is more at top tier. But still not a huge amount. And nothing for below rank 4

Well, that’s the thing, if the Gripen actually comes this year it would have to be limited to Sidewinders only or get fantasy loadouts. Not saying that’s not a possibility, but it would certainly not sit well with people.

That being said, these increasingly modern vehicles tend to make less and less sense. The F-16C and MiG-29SMT currently serve no purpose other than to raise the BR ceiling. Only the Barak II really made sense to get Israel on the same level as other nations, however the better approach would have been to give them the F-16AJ treatment

About gaijin usually going through with their plans, well, game development can take unexpected turns and the CDK has a couple of great examples for that

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Rank 1-3 are quck to get, but that looks i like

I think, given Typhoon is off the table for now, Britain could do with a quality of life update. Things like the Folland Gnat, Supermarine type 545, red top rework to reflect the all-aspect performance, new additions to naval given that gaijin skipped all 6 classes of british ships that use 13.5" guns. IFV’s of course, also l28a1 (apparently its got a thicker length to width and should pen more than l27a1?)

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L28 is tungsten L27 is du. L27 pens better

@Deathmisser basically I see it this way:

Modern Warships has developed mechanics that WT is planning to grow into, so what 's present there might serve as inspiration for what will be coming here.

It 's already showing in WT Mobile, compare the UI between them:


WT Mobile has already implemented submarines( w/ some similarities to how MW did it ),
plans to add playable aircraft carriers which MW has some experience in doing,
and has evidence to be moving into NF missiles just like WT does

And we know that WT Mobile shares vehicles directly w/ WT, example Tirpitz(1944)

So it 's not a stretch to say that the vehicles in WTM which will employ the mechanics they’re creating from the experience Artstorm has are likely to then appear here. There 's already some places where we could predict that happening: VLS Missiles, like this one added here last month

and possibly Sub-ROC 's

I don’t know if the sharing will apply to the non-ship vehicles present in Modern Warships,

Unlike WT Mobile, I can’t be sure at this stage that the " real " ones in MW are at a level of graphical fidelity to be reused in WT.
But, we also know that Modern Warships is in the process of developing a Tank Battles mode, it was announced around the time when the Artstorm/Gaijin partnership was. If we start seeing vehicle models from here begin to make their way there, then it might not be unreasonable for the possibility of the reverse to occur.


Ahh i thought so, still maybe l28 with a penetration buff simply because i see no resson for the Army to procure it without a penetration boost. If not then the L30 should have its pressure increased as iirc it uses the same pressure as that on the L11.

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Man, even though I couldn’t give less of a shit about ships, the thought of getting more AShMs gets me going

Challenger 2 discusion if anyone wants to look


If naval got some major overhauls and improvement, definetly would play that more. Just find the gameplay to repetitive at the moment. Swapping between what we’ve got, a sub and later missile Era stuff would be interesting

Yep, the only accurate thing about the Challenger 2 is the tea making facilities

We should get a 15% boost to ready-rack rate due to crew comfort, then it would finally be closer to every other 120mm armed tank in the game despite having to transfer the rounds like 80cm from where they’re stored.