Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Britain has NOTHING that can fight the current lot of aircraft. NONE

Unless you think it’s okay for 11.3 Vs 12.3 fights.

Sea Harrier FA2 (gen 3 btw) can only be equipped with AMRAAM and is the only thing Britain can get that would counter 12.3s we have now


In todays lore yea the Typhoon is a bit power full but not when the Gripen comes

The Typhoon in general got denied because of the inherent strengths of the platform … that arent that existant on these prototypes since they dont have the EJ200.
Thats the entire reason I’m always asking about those two planes in particular and not just waiting for the production variants


Eap and those early wariants got denied, they stated they will add the finished product

Typhoons, as stated in the post you replied to.

@BagelIsMyWaifu @KhorneFlakez1337
Please provide the country that operated Yak-141s.
Typhoon is in service, Yak-141 is not.
You want Gaijin to be hypocrites.

Adding Typhoon prototypes with weapons would be hypocritical and biased toward a country.
ZERO aircraft prototypes of production aircraft in War Thunder have ahistorical systems.

I see now, thank you. Could certainly be viable but there are some issues present, naturally

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As I’ve said before, we shouldn’t have gotten to this point in the first place.

AMRAAMs and AMRAAM capable jets won’t improve this, they will make it even worse.

The possibility of getting commonwealth jets isn’t off the table and other than that we still have loads of pre 4th gen jets to be added

Someone make a funny leaklist please. Just open up notepad and do something. I need entertainment.



EAP is not the Typhoon. EAP is a experimental proof of concept demonstrator. Separate aircraft.


Be nice : (


I am not supporting the idea of getting the Eurofighter, but the Yak-141 never entered production nor did it get a radar

Does it mean it has atleast a chance for now?🫠

The answer was on all Eurofighters/Typhoons. Currently non are super close at all.

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Ah yes, i mixed that up

With him never)

Which is why the Yak-141, Kikka, XP-50, etc have weapons. They weren’t put into service.
If they were put into service their prototypes wouldn’t be added because they didn’t have weapons.

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So not next week… but next month? : D

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But could the DAs come in the future or are they completely of the table because of their … questionable equipment situation?

For everyone else reading, both the DA.1 and DA.2 could and did carry weapons. They were even used for IRIS-T and ASRAAM integration respectively. The question is mostly on countermeasures, BK-27 and radar