Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

KF51 not K51

in the game already T-2 - War Thunder Wiki

Imagine if Japan got a sub-TT this update or the upcoming update in December… That would be amazing. The year of the minor nations.

The plane that he has shown has canards. The normal T-2 does not.


its a modified T-2, look at the extra canards at the cockpit

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Britain could get a warrior and an ajax prototype maybe ? (same gun as ebrc jaguar)
Israel i don’t know enough about their vehicles
France can have some wheelies

yes but i doubt the changes will mysteriously make it a 12.0 plane, it wont be a new top tier one that japan needs

it carries AAMs: Mitsubishi AAM-3, AIM-9L Sidewinder, AIM-7F/M Sparrow

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Two sub trees and a new nation I doubt

New nation? Do you know something we don’t?

I thought it was pretty clear but yea the road map teased a new 11 playable nation

yeah not that good of an armament anymore, considering we are approaching fox 3 era, addtionaly a subpar flight model, it just wont be that good

That is an unarmed T-2 CCV used for data research on the domestic fly by wire for the F-2s.

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ah no ignore deathmisser when it is about nations, he is the biggest troll in regards to nation / conspiracist

The AJ is fine in my opinion coupd just use better IRs AAM-3s would be nice alongside the EJ Kai.

Bruh : (

what it is the truth and u know it lol

Currently, War Thunder features 10 playable nations,
and we have no intentions of stopping there! However,
as we introduce new nations,
it becomes increasingly challenging to capture the attention of veteran players.


There is a small rhythm that perhaps could mean a new one is coming, but it’s all speculation.

4 years ago in October we got pre-orders for Sweden
2 years ago in October for Israel
If this is anything to go off of then the possibility of something new exists, but again, just speculation.


Political saying to leave the possibility for new nations open, just like they said they are working on english light tanks / french, japan spaas, this could still need years until the next nation gets added.

They first need to fix israel and make japan a bit better before they think about adding a new nation