Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Id prefer a shoehorn than nothing at all, but that might just be me.

thats the thing never used them, people would start criyng unrealistic and at the same time we could have argued sparrows as a stop gap solution until amraam gets added as well

Prehaps. But with so many great jets just… absent from the British TT. it would be a slap in the face for anyone and everyone playing Britian.

“Sorry, we couldn’t be bothered to give you any of these perfectly viable jets, so take this C&P from sweden and we’ll think about something else for you guys next year, if we feel like”

Yeah, though we are still waiting on De-Chirped Aim-9L for the Tornado Gr1 and Tornado F3. Not too mention Aim-9G are not entirely accurate for any British Phantom or Jaguar and just need to glance at SRAAMs and Red Tops

i need another 5lvl in the battle pass, if the october/november update doesnt have an intresting leopard or some intresting aircraft i will gladly take a longer break until december when the promised leopard / new aircrafts get added and just buy my premium on discount for now. Plenty of great games that came out this summer

Speaking of SRAAMs, I wonder if we’ll ever see SRAAMs on more jets (not on the F-5 tho, that would make those things insufferable)

If it gets All-aspect, would be perfect for the Jaguar Gr1s. They need an AAM buff.


So if Eurofighter is off the cards:
CF-18 / FA18
Mirage III
BAe Hawk 200
Tornado CSP
Gripen C

Is all still on the table


Sea Harrier FA2
Harrier Gr9A
Tornado Gr4

should also move up as well. Only 3 actually viable native jets other than the Tornado F3 CSP, but still not really suited for WT

Pretty sure the Gripen is off the cards as well

Anything but harriers lmao
I beg you

Yeah, Any and all reasons they would withhold the Typhoon could be applied to the Gripen. So im guessing Sweden will now get Viggen with AMRAAM

Its confirmed for this year.

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Sea Harrier, take it or leave it


like legwolf said, gripen is already confirmed

Gripen and another german Leopard are the only things confirmed to still come this year

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Yeah… I’d be fine with both, if they werent restricted on loadouts. 18x Brimstone, Sniper pod and HMD for the Gr9A would just be funny.

Sea Harrier FA2 with a later Aim-120 to other nations would keep it in the fight with the powerhouse radar that is the Blue Vixen, its arguably more capable than the F-15s radar.

But if they were held back on loadouts though… Might as well not waste their time

Gr9A would be more of the same. CAS planes and strike aircraft :c

We need dogfighters. Actual capable jets

Was it officially confirmed tho?
Coz it would be very weird for the Gripen to get added while being told the Typhoon would be too advanced

It was confirmed by one of the developers on the Russian forum. It’s official

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