Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

People like that will never admit that they are wrong and let alone apologize.

That is just what terminal stupidity does to people.


Except you keep bringing it up trying to revive a dead flame war. Why dont you move on to the intended topics of this thread and stop @ ing people trying to provoke them?

I don’t keep bringing it up; he has been bringing it up the whole day- I merely decided to make a huge reply to seal away the topic once and for all- and it seems it worked out just as I intended.

This user insulted, slandered and even threatened me to death and wished my suicide and the death of my family for no reason- I think it’s only natural that I wanted to end the topic with a final, sealing slap in the face.


Seems like he completly dissapeared now, not gonna lie would have loved to hear how he would have defended modern russian bvr ability, when nearly every western fox 3 missle is superior

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Soviets are going to need jets 15 years ahead of the West from now on stay even remotely in the fight and western jets are going to need some serious hobbling as well. USSR could build military weapons. Russia can’t


My sweet sweet IRIS T and Meteor, soon your time will come

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Welp, it’s too late today already for a Dev Blog hahah

So… tomorrow it will be, then, I guess!

What’s clear is that the update will come before November arrives, as always- so it will be a very brief Dev Blog season at this point.

I hope it’s a boat devblog despite playing no naval but I like how people get angry over it


If the first devblog will be ether a P.11 or a Avia 534 I will be happy


People always comment that “Blame the MoD for nothing before Typhoon” but always forget ASRAAM entered service in 1998 compared to early-mid 2000s for other Gen 5 IR.


Same for tornados in general, reasons they are so bad is that they are missing aim 9li at least, or best case asraam and iris T, they gave the stupid SU 39 the R73, where are our better missles for the tornados

3 updates have come in November

Must be delivred with the DB, Thats why its too late xD

Nah it’s 2 this one and the Christmas one

And chaff, ECM and GMR

I meant historically
3 updates in the past have been in Nov instead of Oct

Ah ok I’ve misread it

Here is the devblog/updates spreadsheet for anyone wanting to look at patterns:


Thank you!

Generally my hopes for this update are a J10A and at least something competitive fighter wise for england, that would be enough to make me content.