Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Ka50 has no thermal and its fine
Whats S238?
su25 with r60m is fine, you can just dodge unlike aim9l but if you dont like it, replace with normal r60 then
mig29 flight model was nerfed hard few days ago
turms has t72a armor with k1 era and its still mid

did they remove thermals from KA50?

and no Su 25 at that BR is NOT fine you got planes like F-86 meeting it that have literally no chance

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or they can just add ka50 thermal and move br up

Ka-50Sh model

never had them

ka50 never got thermal in game since release

To be fair with their short ranged R-60M SU-25 is less of an issue.
KA-50/52 are far from what they once were.
Turms and ZTZ are 10.0 for quite some time now.
Both are easily destroyed as well and generally only have a slight advantage in spotting.
2S38 is dangerous but I would not say op.
Sure Puma in comparison is handicapped but that is a different matter.

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Ka50 has the most OP agms in game and has a broken damage model. Should be 11.3 now all other premium helis are going up

2S38 the 2024 IFV/SPAA thing that is at 10.0 and should be 10.7/11

Su25 still has all aspect at a BR where a lot of jets don’t have CMs

TURMS is still almost immortal when fighting something like Chally DS especially with it missing L26 shells

→ op atgm on ka50, do you have it and have you ever used it in RB?

vikhir is the most assblasted op atgm in the game


I’ve been sniped at 10km by one many times. Not too mention seen them tank hit after hit. Vikhrs are still superior to Hellfires

Heck, heli PvP mode was deleted almost exclusively because of the Ka50

Man, i seem to habe missed all the fun again, and yes some people over do it with main nation contribution, would gonsider myself one of the more reasonable german ones

khriz atgm is even more superior than vikhr on mi28nm lol…

you will always be remembered for your bravery

I could kill Turms with Chieftain… what do you mean?
The ATGMs have been nerfed already.

i do, it has more range, better aim and vt fuse unlike 90% of other top tier ATGM’s

Last time I played that BR ERA blocks all shots. You have to aim for the tiniest little crack in the armour to do any damage and no guarantee of a kill. Consider Chally DS should have L26 not L23A1 it does kinda suck even more than it should

Hist posts are usually limited to ground and there hasn’t been anything noteworthy to complain about in regards to US top tier ground.

Funny part is most people don’t realise that the ka-52 we have in game is the ka-52M

Were you firing HEAT or HESH?
2S38 would likely be as useless at those BRs as Puma is at 10.0.

even in DCS it shows how good Vikhr ATGM is.

But Vikhr has been nerfed down a lot in the past, the 1000mm pen was lost, the movement was nerfed