Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Su-27 can come at any time, but F-15 can be added without it due to the BR system.

Likely not considering what civil names got through when they explanded ability when choosing names.

I have already stated that the F-16C and F-14B are the exception. AIm-9M on top tier air superiority might have been a mistake as well. But was definetly need on aircraft like the Gr7. When you look at the past 2 years as a whole. Mig-29 with R-27ER and then before that Mig-23MLD were dominant jets, maybe the best in game and now you’ve got Mig-29SMT with WIP R-73s and R-27ET. Once finished they are going to be OP as hell. Meanwhile, Britain… Tornado F3 is the best dedicated A2A we have

AIM 120 is close. Hellfire L too i think, rest, blabbering of a madman

Yeah, could see all nations jumping ahead. Su-27, F-15, Typhoon, J-10, Mirage 4000, Gripen. All in one update. just skip 12.7 ish

ok ok, Tornado F.3 or JA37D which do you choose?

Ah, and DEV said R-73 is a equivalent to 9X :)

I have 2 question for people more knowledgeable about German vehicles:

  1. The Leopard 2 PSO uses the same hull as the Leopard 2A6EX right (excluding the side add on armor)? or am I misremembering?

  2. How many visual differences are there between the 2A6 and 2A7 hull (again besides the add on armor)?

Out of 2 evils F3 is the lesser one imo

Considering fights can often be decided by who can put your gun on target, I’d probably go Ja37D. Its why I much rather take the 11.0 Gr7 into EC9 and fight Mig-29s in the Gr7 rather than taking the F3 at 11.7

Jeez, at least I’m not active as much as I was so it runs under my radar

AGM-114L is likely not happening for a few years.
If we can get AGM-114’s range fixed that’d be enough. Being limited to 35 seconds of flight time when it’s supposed to be 45 seconds is quite annoying.

And guidence fix would also be fun. K is dual mode iirc (loft or flat), but iog fix would be cool to. It simply does not work as it should.

all Leo 2A7s (A7V and A7+ are very different developments and NEED to be treated as such) were previously Canadian A6Ms that got retrofitted

I don’t know much about PSO and EX tho

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The F-15 and F-14D will come in December

Russia still stuck with MiG-29SMT like danger zone treatment.
Other nations? Forgotten.

Gaijin gets money from the US mains and I already said that this game is slowly becoming a US biased game.

Mirage 4000 my beloved. I want my chonky triangle.


yes we know you said it but repeating it doesn’t mean anyone starts to believe it

With all respect, stop trying to prove a point using unreasonable claims

Again… Poor Russia, we got Mig-29, Yak-141 and now Mig-29SMT.

“We never get anything in the soviet tree”

Not saying US should get anything either but imagine if your ONLY top tier jet was the Mig-23MLD.

where is Su-27, Su-30, Su-24, Su-34, MiG-25 for russia???

Britain, Germany etc Typhoons?
France Rafale??
Sweden Gripen?
and MiG-29G for Germany too?
J-10 & JH-7 for China?