Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

y’all still believing they look at the vehicle and then choose where it goes to

while they probably look at the tree and choose what to put in it

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I’d rather have realism & balance than vehicles be forced to use exclusively service weapons.
Imagine F-16C without AIM-7Ms just cause USAAF didn’t use them IRL.

I love the fact War Thunder is a war games simulator and not a historical battles sim.


nice if it’s to the players advantage, not so nice if it’s to the players disadvantage and they add a missile that was so old they didn’t use it at all

and also not nice if the missile it never carried (F4F and 9E/J) justifies it being put at a BR it has no buisness being at due to a lack of fitting armarment besides that one missile

F-4F at 10.7 is the best Phantom for its BR because of those 9Js that were recently buffed.
9Ls would make the F-4F worse than EJ Kai & Kurnass 2000, and 9Bs would make it worse than F-4C.
So the only option for a fun F-4F is 9Js.
F-4F ICE can have 9Ms & AMRAAMs because having stand-off missiles like AMRAAMs means its close range performance isn’t as required.

I still believe it was a mistake to add anything more modern than AiM-9B age

with only 9B(FGW.2) it would be a good 9.7 jet

since the early one doesn’t have flares that would balance it there well, with the TT one at 10.0

and how often do we need to tell you that the ICE NEVER had 9M?

Never, cause I don’t care what it had in-service, I only care what it can carry.
I address capabilities not air force tomfoolery.

it being able to carry it didn’t hold the devs back on the MiG-29A either with the R-73

I agree.

I really miss when top BR was 9.0 and top tier games actually needed dueling skills.

There’s this thing called Mig-29G that can be added instead with R-73s & R-27ERs
Sure the only difference is the cockpit, but it’d be a good foldered item.
That and F-4F ICE is on its way.

like I’m fine with the early missiles where a skilled and aware pilot can actually do something against them

the korean war era top tier air was just the best, now these BRs are dominated by 80s Attackers

adding literally the same exact plane (every MiG-29 in GDR service was repainted and got a new cockpit and a redesignation) again just to add missiles the existing one can already carry would honestly be even more of an insult

I guess MiG-29G would be Rank 8 premium because it is still same as MiG-29 9.12.

I don’t see any problems for getting R73 for 9.12 tbh.

Why not getting both just like German MiG15bis and CL13?

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well, because I believe (and since nothing was confirmed yet we both just spitting our theories in here) that they won’t add the F4F ICE until it’s hopelessly irrelevant

wait no something was confirmed, Smin confirmed that it wasn’t planned to add F4F ICE in yesterday’s major

Then you’d have no 12.0.
Calling the F-4F ICE irrelevant is silly.

Why would you wait 2 - 4 years for rank 9?

we don’t need 12.0, nobody needs 12.0

this is an excuse and nothing else

That because TT MiG-29G would be pointless if we already have GDR MiG-29A. Also, If a Gen4.5 jets like the Super Hornet becomes rank 9, there are almost no options left in Germany as far as I know.

well there are a few options

  • F4F ICE aka the heaviest Phantom to ever fly with AiM-120A, 9L, and downgraded F/A 18 radar without IFF

  • Eurofighter prototype with Test armarments like 9L and 120C

Germany has a few Eurofighter variants for rank 8.
I honestly only see stealth aircraft as rank 9 currently.
Maybe stupid radar missiles at rank 9.
For now, we need to be looking at 12.3 & 12.7. We’re no where near rank 9 to worry about it cause we don’t even have gen 4.5 yet.
After all, rank 8 came with gen 4, not gen 3, not gen 3.5 even tho MLD was temporarily in rank 8.

AIM-120Bs for F-4F ICE.

oh yes I forgot

the marginally better 120Bs while with the addition of the Block 50, Mirage 2000 and SMT it’s really looking like they’ll implement 120C equivalent F3s for everyone else