Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Yea, when the Wiesel was added it was a short time later mentioned that the gunner has to be outside and actually aim, but at this time the current Bundeswehr Soldier model was to big, so they said they want to make a proper Model


Then I hope that they fix the errors right away


Same, +since that would mean you could easely make it useless by shot at the gunner, maybe it would go down to 9.3🤣

You can have hope, but it’s probably less likely to happen.
The crew can now be eliminated without any problems at moment. 😐🤷🏽‍♂️

So much for the fact that Russian vehicles are not OP.
Player: ERA_Enjoyer shows from about minute 07:20 in a MiG-27K that an airplane doesn’t necessarily need wings with flaps to fly. After the plane was shot up by a German VT-1!

What I would like to see in the next update is that such magic tricks will come to an end and Fairplay begin!
But I know that this post will be deleted or at least hidden!


All your posts prove me correct that multiple IFVs got the system at the same time.
Oh look, that situation that happened with Mig-27K happened to me in my Mirage 2000.
No “Russian bias”, just poor shot placement of the missile.

Ah, so you agree with my statements now.
2S38’s gun is primarily a newer variant of the one ZSU-57 uses, and Soviets/Russia developed proximity fuses for it.

A historical report by a player is why OTO got changed.
Blaming Gaijin for the actions of an Italian manufacturer is silly.
Lvkv 9040C & 2S38 are twins, both having APFSDS unlimited.
There is no Swedish/Soviet bias as you attempt to claim.

and thats one of the main reasons why I dont touch anything below max BR GRB these days, even then I tend to stick to air

You don’t have to confirm to me again and again that you are tearing the entire context further apart from my initial post.

Bad shot placement?
Replay/picture seen?
Couldn’t it be any more central?

I have a Feeling for mimimi, bye flag post

Dude, no one’s “trolling”.

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What is it then?
At the beginning I said that there was a discussion in the forum about the 2S38 because it could lock on air targets and the rest couldn’t, they denied this fact and that wasn’t the case. Then I gave you the things to read bit by bit and you still think you’re right.

That’s trolling!

Especially Saab 35 Draken, Chengdu J-7, Mirage III, F-105 Thunderchief, Northop F-5 and IAI Kfir should get external fuel tank on centerline hardpoint

After that, F-100 Super Sabre, Canadian CL-13 Sabre, F-104 Starfighter and North American F-86A & F-86F Sabre could get 2x drop tanks on underwing hardpoint

It’s just a perspective.
You only provided proof that they added IRT to all vehicles that could have them in the same update.
Your claim was there was uproar after the major update & IRT was added in a later update.

This whas my Text

“What was it like when the 2S38 was introduced?”

You can read it above!
The vehicles are the first to be introduced on the Dev Server.
Actually everyone knows that, at least that’s what I thought until now!
That’s the end of this pointless off-topic discussion for me!

As long as you don’t have a replay of it, for me it’s just an assertion without evidence.



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which ones just pinging out of contect doesnt tell me anything, do you mean about your mistake of the german main tank releases i pinged you? i corrected your mistakes

doesnt change the fact then that gajin mislabed the ammunition in the game then 3UO8 seems to be stated as radio round not proxy

at least quote people nobody has a clue what u are talking about

still doesnt change the massive penetration valuie differences and the survivablity

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We will also wait for him for 3 years, although he has been in the files for 1 year, modeled. Right?


yeah that one as well, but doesnt compare to a real assault helicopter, nobody is happy with it as an alternative in the bundeswehr


2km 60 degree penetrations.
3UBM22- 186mm
m/01- 160mm
m/90- 134mm

I know Lvkv 9040C only uses m/90, but the search radar seems to make up for that.
Otherwise m/01 & 3UBM22 are the most similar rounds.
OTOMATIC’s ammo for example has 314mm of penetration at 2km 60 degrees, similar to 3BM15.

comparing 11.3 to 10.0 realy isnt the move here

in this moment we are comparing tank destroyer stats, a search radar is irrelevant

might be, but the m/01 isnt part of the comparison we are making

Well sure, but it explains the BRs.
Lvkv 9040C is primarily 10.0 cause of its slightly superior air destroying capability.
2S38 & Strf 9040C are primarily 10.0 cause of their superior tank destroying capabilities.
It’s interesting how minor difference can lead to similar performance in War Thunder but in different contexts.