Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Man I hope Britain gets an IFV in October, jesus we need something more mobile then the Challengers…


Less turn, Self exploding, missing target more frequently, notch.
Most of time going to target that are not designated by the radar. supposed to be one of the most powerfull radar in the game, RDY. it is nothing.

Before this updat,e it wasn’t perfect but was playable

Why? It’s no different than the US tree.

Everyone wants subtrees, well subtrees are going to just eliminate National flavors. This game might as well ditch the whole tech tree system and allow you to research all vehicles together.

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@_Fleks Here you go.


I’d also remove Canada as both Canada and Australia have more than enough to both have their own trees.

Like, when I look into Dominion domestic/modified stuff. Like, I can order them from most to least but both can make trees small to medium-sized.

But knowing the snail it’s more likely they will give the trees 50% or less domestic stuff and fill the rest with 1-1 copy and paste of other nations tech. Eh, If we are going to get another nation with copy-and-paste tech I’d rather it be Western than more Soviet stuff.

And? What should I see here? German tanks (Tiger) with a Hungarian-German crew?

“Yeah, maybe you can post the evidence, and not the cover of a magazine or book?”

Why not read this as well


I asked for proof that the Tiger and Panther tanks were in service with Hungary, and not just from a picture or “watery” text


This is a German cross, if anything

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Jez are we really going to play spot thee difference ?

Btw nice flagging my comments

As you wish, but you started the conversation with your list

Yea then you had a mard on because Italy is going to get more German vehicles.

It’s seem like when ever I tease a main you lot flag it as spam and inappropriate.
Seems a lot like I don’t like this comment so bye bye.

But yea I rather not say anymore as I don’t want to get banned again

Based on what? You are not a developer, you are not a person who is somehow connected with the company, but write that Italy will receive more equipment from Germany, this is ridiculous

Well, then the conversation is over I guess

Oh wow I can’t say what coming or not because what Oxy said because I’m not a dev.
M8 like you can not say that. I can have my own thoughts too

@_Fleks I found Oxy statement

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Hungary will probably receive more Hungarian vehicles, that isn’t the kind of statement that needs proof, and Hungary used a lot of German vehicles so it would make sense to assume the Italian TT is getting more German vehicles


D’m in coming

Ground equipment of the GDR in the German branch - Hey, where are you? I only have BMP-1 and T-72M1 with me, hey!

I think you understand the analogy, yes?

If anything this just proves that the USSR and Germany should be a subtree of the Polish tree

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