Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

If I came off as condescending then I apologize, as it was not my intention.
Had quite the day so I may be missing out on some social queues.

You are likely referring to the Pilatus company and their products, which indeed have some stuff that could work but to a bit of a lesser extent.

I think it might be worth exploring the D.3800 and their evolutions, C-360x series of aircraft (x being numbers 1, 2, ect.) and N-20 prototypes.
There are some more unarmed/unfinished products that could be added too, but that is of course of less relevance than the aforementioned.

The Hunter FK.58 is a highlight too of course, but unfortunately this is currently located within the German tree

A common Swiss W is what

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Though a copy can be made in the Swiss tree as they did the same thing with the STRV tank that was in Britain

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It would be a bit more complicated than the STRV or the israeli vehicles from the US tree, but I don’t see any problem in having it in two tech trees at the same time.
It being the best Hunter in the game and not being in the british tree doesnt get any better or worse from that lol


and as someone who use to enjoy flying the hunters and was specifically hoping for the F58. does make me a bit salty it went to Germany

Still having these vehicles is more justified than possible Ukrainian top tier with basically captured/donated vehicles as their main tank force. Poland at least tries to nationalize their vehicles and make them more indigenous while Ukraine is simply using whatever.
That means literally a C&P of current NATO vehicles with simple roundels slapped on the sides. That’s all it takes to make a Ukrainian top tier tank.

Not to mention the complete lack of realistic connections between vehicles outside of “but we used it”. It’s a similar type of logic as ZSU-57-2 in Israeli tt (I don’t agree with this addition just to be clear).

And Ukraine tt in general wouldn’t be future-proof. It’s just that at the moment it sounds decent because of how diverse equipment is being donated to them;. The thing is they won’t be getting any better equipment than this for a good while.

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No worries.

Did these aircraft not enter service with the Swiss Airforce? They aren’t listed on wikipedias list of current and retired Swiss Airforce inventory

I have here for you some tree suggestions that you can pull some vehicles from.
The air tree isn’t the greatest (and pulls the liberty of just adding the Austrians in as well) but it is not the worst uniqueness wise, especially when compared to more popular nations such as the Koreas.

The ground trees are definitely worth a deeper look too, even without the aforementioned liberties of Austria sub-tree (which tbh would likely be a good addition for a Swiss tree in all fairness)

Unfortunately I cannot link you one of these suggestions, so I will put some screenshots in instead and hide it behind a spoiler. The rest will be in link form.


I personally don’t think they will ever do alliance-style tech trees. It looks like as far as they will go is a nation and a Sub-tree. We have one nation left that can take a sub-tree.

I mean the Commonwealth would make the most sense for the first alliance-style tree and instead, we got a SA sub tree and Canada, Australia and New Zealand are known to not be able to have their tech in one tree. And it looks just as bad for the other major alliance trees I’ve seen.

Yes, at least some of the D.3800 series did, as well as the C-360x series is largely service aircraft.

Depending on how you look at things the argument can be made that these already exist in the form of the German tree (BDR and DDR) and the Chinese tree (PRC and ROC), though this is admittedly a stretch.

Sub-trees seem to be the current trend, though I wouldn’t leave things such as Benelux off the table.
I wouldn’t be surprised if it were just a Dutch tree with Belgian sub-tree, but a more ‘equal’ tree to call it so could perhaps transform it into something more akin to an ‘alliance tree’.

I honestly think that Poland (or maybe Yugoslavia) is most likely the one, however what makes A unified Korea less likely then an Turkish or Spanish Tree?

I get that it’s iconic, and that you like it. Not sure I’ll convince you that it shouldn’t be added.

All I can say is that it would be pointless in Ground RB. It’s not going to CAS well at all. It could survive in Air RB, but I promise you, F-8 Corsairs are going to drop you with Sparrows easy as heck. Shamelessly, I base bombed about 400k exp in the Su-25K grinding the lines, I’ve seen a thing or two. Unless you find solely base-bombing (not dropping down and mopping up ground targets and enemy planes after) entertaining, there’s no way this thing is gonna be in the game.

If they ever figure out a way to put strategic bombers in game, I’ll be right there with you, I’d love a Tu-22M3.

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I love that air tree though I would mind some captured bomber and that 110 to make up some numbers up

Thanks mate, I don’t really care that much about ground, my time with the british tree didn’t really make me enjoy it so far
I’d be happy to see another unique air tech tree in the future and so far switzerland really never struck me as a source for new unique planes

"The J–10 is clearly not a Lavi clone, however. It has significant design differences from
the Lavi including its larger size, canard positioning, wing platform, and two-dimensional air



It’s not a Lavi. It’s a J-10 that was developed with a massive amount of technical data and cooperation with Israel.


As a long range bomber enjoyer myself I would love to get strategic bombers, even if they ended up completely and utterly useless
At least they would be great ACTUAL targets for EC


That’s fair!
British tree isn’t exactly the friendliest in the ground department.

If you wish to explore more aviation options, then perhaps the other nations I mentioned prior could be of interest to you too.

In particular Czechoslovakia, Poland and Yugoslavia had and still have some unique aircraft that would take them from rank I up to rank VIII.
Romania is also surprisingly good, being of a similar league in the aviation side of things (if not only slightly worse) as the aforementioned, with them being rank I-VII capable, though currently troubled at rank VIII if I’m not mistaken.
Spain also had some aviation stuff, but it was more limited than the four above.
Benelux is also an easy one to point to, though this mostly relates to just the lower tiers.

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I think that is because Germany, France, Italy and the Balkans exist but yea it’s very interesting to read up on some aircraft from the Swiss

They could even add some Polish aircraft too add up the numbers.
As they used some before and in the war IIrc