Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

yeah an actual AHEAD SPAA is the latest when they actualy need to fix the AHEAD system, or they might just enver add those spaas for that specific reason

@Smin1080p can we get any update on an Su-27 coming to the USSR tree?

It feels like the MiG-29SMT fell kind of flat, and the Su-27 while probably too good for the current top tier, would be coming down the line in the next year or less. Can you tell us if there’s any progress at all?

Literally just confirming that it will come to the game some day would be amazing.


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isnt needed, russia got enough top tier /high tier stuff this year, the fact alone that you are demanding more is ridiculous and damn smin is answering hopefuly he denies it

Hungary is promised the first operational systems for the KF-41 vehicle by around 2024-25. 24-34 are planning to buy a piece.

best or second best plane but ok

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This was never officially said. We have answered in full how our consultant and research team operate here as there was a lot of misinformation and misunderstanding: Removal/Replacement of the French Tech Tree Consultant - #70

Consultants are also not responsible for choosing what content comes to the game at all.

if they are unable to code it then they need to make it he-vt. There is no other way around because programmed ammunition is the future

you are aware the pretty much translates to the german prototype skyranger system i just mentioned lol

Respectfully. I’m not claiming it’s needed right now, I’m asking for an update dude. It’s gotta come at somepoint and I’m just curious.

Chill the heck out man. This isn’t your forums to referee.

Whats with then? They feel fine…

sorry but it literaly is a thing here that the russian community is calling for more and more stuff when they literaly have the best stuff in multiple areas currently or got a lot of attention

It was hyped up to be the GOATed Russian Bias machine, and instead it’s back to vulture gameplay, instead of being an “Apex Predator”. The multirole is nice, but it still lacks in the areas the MiG-29 did, minus the boost to the “dogfight/short range” with the R-73.

Because asking about future vehicles did ever work?

I just bleeds speed all the time, willing to admit I don’t know as much about the FM as everyone else does, but it seems to be a little too harsh with this last update.

Are you talking specifically about the SMT here? Because if so then that is true to real life, the Fulcrum-C was heavier and less maneuverable than the A (or what we call the 9-13 in the game.) I think it also feels worse to you because the 16s now pull their correct amount of G’s which also influences how the SMT feels when you are dogfighting a 16. Not saying it isn’t frustrating for you, just that its more on par than you might realize.

well it is a lot heavier because its main jop is supposed to be a CAS plane lol, it is gajin faults they didnt update the old MIG 29s to actualy carry the R73s when they were supposed to.

The SMT will always fly worse then the other MIG 29

I’m not calling for the Su-27 (but it would be cool if it came anyways). I’m just asking if anyone in the department has done anything at all towards modelling it, or considering it’s implementation.

Dudes can straight up ask for anything on this forum (yes I understand the need for a better UK fighter), and when Smin responds regarding the Eurofighter (likely the plane to come out along side an Su-27, F-15/18, and other planes) I get curious about what the next evolution of top tier will be in the game.

I’m asking a question, not demanding anything.

Chill bro.


Probably right bro. I also don’t think the SMT should’ve come yet, but here we are. I understand the F-16 retains this advantage.

Yep and it is what it is.

Yes, in impressive vehicle!
The guy with the brown shoes wears an aluminum hat?

propably a german rheinmetal worker that wants his datasafety and got himself pixeled and is just wearing a working helmet