Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

You keep ignoring Gripen, sub-tree vehicles always have precedent.

Typhoon wasn’t put into service? Kikka approach only works on canceled projects, not vehicles put into service.
Arbitrary limits aren’t precedent nor should ever be.

Cause it’s better than putting F-5C to 9.7, and people forget China has an F-5C, they aren’t selective at all.

There will be F-15EX in the next update, LOL

That would be very fun

There will be Su-57, trust me

Because I know the law unlike most people here I won’t use a manual but this

They wont add Gripen to Britain. Not when they’ve spent the last 9 months finishing the FRS1. Sea Harrier FA2 is dramatically more likely and is actually a British Jet. The likelyhood they’ll give Britain more than 1 new AMRAAM carrier is tiny. Sea Harrier FA2 and Tornado F3 CSP this year. Probably Harrier Gr9 early next year. and then Typhoon DA2 around Q2 next year is my guess. We aren’t US/USSR that gets something every single update.

Limited Prescedent because its not an SA vehicle like all the others we’ve got. Its an import nor do we have an SA air tree or any room for one. There is also I think a debate on whether SA Gripen had any form of BVR.

Typhoon DA2 was never put into Service, the Typhoon F2 did and some of those were converted DA2s

Me when wikipedia

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So yea saying the Typhoon is going to be overpowered in this day and age is funny as hell.

Plus if we had the Gripen via South Africa then I want all of there aircraft please.
But since we got non I highly doubt we will see it

I think what UK will get is a Swordfish with a single AMRAAM slapped to the belly and a 3rd crew member, whos lying on the top wing while holding 2 rods, to work as a radar. Source: Trust ME

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It is a South African vehicle. Literally in South African service.
Please do research before talking.
AMRAAMs are BVR as well…

su-57 has been added to the game:)


South Africa designed and built the Gripen and exported it to Sweden?

There was also debate on whether or not SA actually bought any AMRAAM

The thing most people are afraid about is G pull and radar. 2 quick fixes. G limiter and early captor. problems gone

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Aw man, i missed it. Thanks you showed me that, imma go grind it rq and make all the us mains cry.


Not gonna lie but I think it’s wishful thinking that any other nation will get a better fighter than the US and Udssr. They dominate and power creep air since years. I don’t think this will change any time soon because there is no money/much less hype in other nations.

I want to say that I don’t think that the eurofigher will come anytime soon. Otherwise the tornado would have gotten added sooner aswell


Plus there are no indications that they will add any SAAF to Britain otherwise we would of gotten them by now.

Yea, i think next sub tree will be mid next year.

Yeah, and where would they go? All the SA vehicles we’ve got are either self produced or heavily modified I believe. Gripen is just an imported vehicle. We’ve not got any imported vehicles. They’ve so far gone to the exporters tree, like the Australian Abrams

Either way, Sea Harrier FA2 and/or Tornado F3 CSP are a lot more likely than the Gripen.

Remember that UK is not a commonwealth tree, so even if SA gf were added, it means nothing to air tree

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They will still be in Britain but I guess GE or events aircraft. Though I do like the idea of a naval style tree for air. So we can have a separate SAAF tree within Britain but not part of the main tree.