Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Best guess maybe next week but probably week after

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We’ve got a new BP next month as well.

Posting this here because of the earlier post about a russian registration bonus thing. I recently saw another one on some youtube video that had a skin for one of the american p-40s, but i have since been unable to find it to attempt using it. If anyone happens to know anything about it or have the link it would be massively appreciated, as i haven’t been able to find the video again and don’t remember the channel. It was a few days ago that i saw it, i attempted to use it because i assumed it was like the russian one where the skins and such were available to new players, but it didn’t seem to work. After giving it a while i want to try again but can’t find it.

Sounds like this one: ( )

Won’t hurt to try it, but afaik the offer is no longer valid.


I hope rest of the navies gets premium BB in next update…

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Still works

" Welcome to War Thunder!

Your bonus has been successfully activated

You can start playing War Thunder now and will receive your selected bonus as soon as you log in to the game.

See you in battle!"

However they haven’t loaded yet

well, let us know if they appear later.

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So, are you guys ready for update where majority of vehicles will be French coastal?

Soviets havent had a new top tier aircraft in a while. So probably will also be another Su-25 or similar added next patch

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The guys here know what I’m looking forward too

I miss being able to react with the laughing face emoji.

Real talk tho, I think next update will be focused on ground

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Yea rank 8 ground and the H air line will be the main focus

EIther that or fox 3 update with whatever isnt the next update being Dec. By the fact last update was quite a ground heavy update with wise of adding a lot of new ground vehicles. Im hoping next will be more air focused, thus Fox 3. But could be another ground update with just filler stuff for air. Britain and Sweden both definetly suffering at the moment and waiting till Dec would really suck for us to get anything

And you can throw the new ground vehicles quietly into the trash can.
The planes and helicopters now dominate the tank battles.
Air defense is no longer of any use as the planes and helicopters have more range and firepower than the defense or simply avoid it.
In the meantime you only need one tank and can leave the round after it is destroyed. This is now the reality in WT for 90% of players!

I dont care much about ground. Between the poor balancing, bad map design and god aweful grind, I can never find it fun. As a britain main, we dont really have a top tier ground line up either. But maybe they’ll add the next gen/type of SPAA to the game with Rank 8. Not sure what that would entail, but that might help.

Im an ASB main, air is my jam. though I do wish we had a decent heli gamemode so that I didnt have to play GRB to play it

Unironically, I think ground RB is the best place for air combat and better than air RB since it doesn’t have markers on people and missiles. Feels more immersive and you also get more 1 vs 1s as a result. I also think air and ground RB is a bit stale with current maps and gamemodes.

One of the reasons I look forward to XF-2 or F-2 for Japan is for ground RB to play a counter CAS air superiority role and keep the skies clear.


Yeah, that’s why I spend my time in Air Sim these days. Though CAS is a bit 1 dimensional in that at the moment. Needs some serious TLC. But I do wish we had somewhere to play heli outside of GRB. Heli PVE is a buggy mess and definetly not fun. Such a shame. Helis are really cool and fun to fly otherwise.

I do wonder how many play GRB just so that they can have something fun to play with a heli, I know thats 50% of the reason I put any effort into getting to top tier ground

I’m putting money that the December update will be Fox 3, but I’m hoping that they also use the next update to bring some nations up too par with the US and USSR in terms of counter measure resistant Fox 2’s.

Maybe, CM overhaul probably needs to come as well. Some jets have a fraction of the CMs they should have and before we see an ungodly amount of IRCCM missiles. We need better CMs. Was a mistake in my opinion to add them at all before that was done

Chances for next update? 😜