Action X was my saviour
It’s performance will be anaemic and the munitions would just be the usual 9L/7F or M arrangement. Not sure about it’s A2G loadouts as I don’t play ground but yeah. It’s not going to be the fighter to top F-16C and MiG-29A/SMT.
China gets vastly better SPAA then Russia in game. They even get Proxy spaa.
Italy? Did italy seriouslly need more SPAA? Italy already is better then Germany at mid tier, and now why even play russia/ germany when Italy now has both nations, and soon will get a Mig-29.
Sweden gets a Mi-28 prem, and also russian/ German vehicles, sweden is better then Germany at top tier. Germany lacks leo’s to use for 11.7. USA? Abrams after abrams to use, SPAA after spaa, plane after plane. Germany and Russia now, both suffer, though thats a narrative that nobody wants to talk or mention because the concept of “Germany/ Russia suffer” is counter to what the current narrative is. “USA suffer, poor US tree, gaijin favors russia/ germany more, germany so hand held and dumb, tiger players so dumb boo hoo always hand held.”
Brazil wouldn’t have top tier (ground), that’s the issue.
There were talks about Gripen E, i just found out everyone can get one
Either that or getting shot from a weird angle only to have APHE implode your tank because it barely managed to poke into the compartments
I bought the AVRE because that was just funny use, but did say many a tank survive direct hits from those HESH shells. Such a neglected shell. I power grinded to the Chieften and then that wasnt too bad.
I’d pay for that paint job
I want one of these for Japan.
Yeah, but you have to build it yourself
How do you actually manage to have takes that are even more delusional than the previous?
Why are you scared of grass? Even after 10hrs of lawn moving I’m not scared by it
HESH is not neglected. it was fine, but some time ago it was changed into what we have now as a “realistic” change
Pakwagon 75 Puma got made into an event tank. Every single Puma varient save for the dinky 50mm is a prem/ event tank. Half tracks with 75mm guns are all event tanks. The Elephant which could have been a TT backup for germany got made into an event tank to milk the german players who like historical tanks and collecting. Sturmtiger got turned into an event tank to further milk it for all it’s worth. Brummbar with 300+ models produced got made into an event tank. Russian KV-2 1940 model got turned into an event tank. The T-10A got turned into an event tank. IS-2 with a 100mm gun got turned into an event tank.
But the Jumbo pershing, T92, T95, T34, Super Pershing, all added to the TT free for all. Sherman with Pershing turret, the whole concept of that was to simply test the gun platform and see how the turret would operate and they didn’t have the Pershing body to test it, so they slapped it onto a sherman to conduct tests because there’s hundreds of sherman hulls laying around. And that, thats gets added to the TT.
Yeah, I dont think it causes any over-pressure these days
God damn the reload time on the AVRE, I love that thing and the huge HESH, but sitting next to a tank that you just barely managed to cripple isnt fun
I had a asu 57 tank my 183mm teabag to the track
Just stop tying now like read the room
NO one like you
Yeah, though quite funny to use it as a mortar at 1000m. Throwing a shell over a hill to hit someone is kinda funny