Kings of Battle — Answering your questions from the dev server

I understand being hesitant to not add AIM9J’s to the f-111A since 8 AIM9J’s could be pretty OP at this BR. But if the F-105 can carry AIM9E’s how could you not give it to the F-111 that’s going to be at a higher BR? Please give it at least the AIM9E’s to allow it to make sense.

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Meanwhile France ground has JUST! got a huge spaa gap filled after years lol

F111a could carry only 2 aim9j

APKWS has been used in a2a anti-cruise missile testing and ground to air AA. Somehow I get the feeling that they have more than 2g of pull irl XD

It seems gaijin’s numbers are off by a factor of 10


Consoles don’t have access to the market, so unless there’s an event that lets you trade your coupons you’re stuck with them.

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Do you plan to add the MH-60L to the Japanese tree? The Japanese bought a license from the Americans to build this helicopter. Also, will Japan get the OH-1 helicopter in the near future?

Staying on the subject of Japan, the F-16AJ only has AIM-9L missiles, which makes it less likely in air combat considering that Japan currently does not have any aircraft for Br 12.3. Do you intend to do something about it, e.g. by adding the F-2, at least in an early version, or some other aircraft of this type, to equalize the chances in combat?

As for the aircraft, we are still waiting for the JAS-39C for Sweden, which still suffers from the JA-37D with Rb-74, which can be called the Swedish equivalent of the AIM-9L. What makes you wait so long to add Gripen to the game (I know it’s supposed to be added this year).

Another thing concerns the MIG-29SMT and the German G version. Why do these planes have access to R-73 missiles from the start, while F-16C/D players have to deal with much worse stock missiles?


What are you flying out of interest?

They propably just took x% of penetration of the main shell.

F-4EJ, EJ Kai, fake f-2

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m46, pershing sucks, a patton without heatfs at 6.7 would just be what France needs.

I don’t think Japan have the MH60L equvielent. Japan’s H-60s are used for anti-submarine warfare and search and rescue missions, with a small number used for air assault (1st Helicopter Brigade, still performing search and rescue missions most of the time anyway). It seems very unlikely that JSDF has the need for their H-60 to perform any missions that need Hellfires, and I have never seen any JSDF H-60 in any configurations close to MH60L.

No , i mean like being able to exchange coupons for other things like golden eagle or sliver lion or even premium account

is their any updates on volumetric it’s been long time and their is sadly no updates about it if it’s getting fixed or reworked !?
Q: is their any plans to add smoke for XM8 when level 3 armor is used it was bugged report years ago and still not fixed also XM8 still missing M900 and 40mm grande launcher
Q: is their any updates on LOSAT?


fair. Yeah I’ll admit I havent seen a lot of them around. Seen maybe 3 or 4 other than myself, out of all the variants?

No. You can only claim it.

What about the Italian helicopter tech tree? This issue has been mentioned by others in the Dev server section but has not been addressed at all. It’s the only tech tree that mixed up helicopters from different sources, whereas in the German tech tree, for example, the Mis from East Germany are in a separate line as the West Germany Helis. Why is the Italian one being an exception?

Mostly harriers, they are at least fun and have a lot of flares. Tornados have same issues as phantoms. I’d say britan phantoms need 9L and all tornados 9M if they can carry that


Tornadoes could. my worry is that they’d go straight up to11.7, where they have no chance of that once in a blue moon downtier to 10.3

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I meant they need to have all of that at current BR

It IS already extremely fun in my opinion. You’re the one saying it’s not fun, it’s on you to clarify what you mean/what you want instead.

Like I said, we’re flying jets on maps that have objectives designed for WWII planes.

Yes, great, what objectives should they have then for jets?

@Warpig (since it didn’t seem to make it a proper reply for some reason)