Kings of Battle — Answering your questions from the dev server

Why was the Fins AOA reduced to 4.5 degrees, because of this the max overload was reduced to 2G?

  • APKWS II (M151) :
    • Bullet Type : ATGM → HEAT-FS
    • Distance From CM to Stabs : 0.01 → 0.005 m
    • Wing Area Multiplier : 1.035 → 1.05
    • Fins AoA : 9 → 4.5°
    • Guidance :
      • Base IAS : 1200 → 1800 m/s
      • Removed Add Elevation parameter
      • Max G-Load : 4 → 2 G
      • PID proportional term : 0.5 → 0.0431
      • PID integral term : 0.15 → 0.0436
      • PID integral term limit : 0.3 → 1
      • PID differential term : 0.25 → 0.0006

In the video, you can see them deflect up to ~45 degrees


Pretty sure sabot metal petals can pen 30mm at point blank range with just mass alone, must loose kinetic energy really fast tho

The game has been stalling for several years. Lets have some new modes please.

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Strela has been in the game less than half the time and its already receiving a buff


That reminds me when the F-104S had only 6 AIM-9Bs at 10.3 (I think). I don’t think there were flares at the time, but I wish F-1111111111111111 pilots to know how it feels to shoot down a rank VII/VIII plane with AIM-9Bs only (spam them!).

They get it from a source they conveniently won’t reveal, like it’s always the case with western equipment 😄

Quick reminder that the Mistral missiles used to have 18G max overload.

So the Devs not giving the Stingers and the Mistrals their correct max overload because of the so-called “steering surface” is simply bullshit


I don’t even know what the phrase “mission design” MEANS, and I’ve been playing for years. Let alone “high priority concern” IMO… Are you talking about those random like “Pacific campaign” buggy singleplayer things that came with some packs and stuff?

Same applies whether it’s PvE or PvP.

Better designed tasks, objectives, targets, map composition, etc. The current game modes were designed for WWII paced combat. Not BVR combat by missile sleds.

It would be nice to have high tier gamemodes that lasted longer than 5 minutes, and weren’t a crap shoot of who hits who the fastest with fire and forget missiles.


Wrong, they are nothing more then just a practice targets, I never seen a single british phantom being able to fight back(in 1778 hours as of right now)(Obviously I don’t count 5k hours player in british f4 against wallet warrior situations).
It seems like you measure efficiency purely by SL/RP gain factor which is wrong. I would say british phantoms have to bomb bases instead of combat and by such gain same average SL/RP per match as others because they are not capable of going into fights.


It’s not MANPADS tho.

Oh you just mean all matches at all, gotcha. In that case, it seems more productive to, you know, list the changes you want, specifically, though? Not just “change something or other”, because they’ve tried that a lot of times and almost always, the playerbase complains about it. Which is probably why they stopped. If there was a clear consensus beforehand, about exactly what people do want, I think it’d be a lot more realistic.

The one concrete thing you listed was “the existence of fire and forget missiles” which seems pretty un"solve"able since it would just involve removing basically all the vehicles from those BRs. Why not just play a lower BR, if the core concept of how vehicles work at a higher BR is not fun for you?

Probably because they added the AMX-10P 4 years too late. Now they need to give it a better belt if they don’t want this vehicle to be immediately forgotten by everyone

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Many suggestions have already been made by the community.

Also, is it so crazy to expect a game developer to create a fun-to-play video game?.. Is it my job to be more creative than the game devs themselves? Like I said, we’re flying jets on maps that have objectives designed for WWII planes.

This games focus has transformed from prioritizing a fun gameplay experience, into a (very expensive) vehicle collection simulator.


Update is cool and all, but I am personally more interested in the core gameplay stuff. Will spawncaming map design get fixed, will CAS in GRB be ever reigned in, will the tech tree get the proper decompression it so badly needs? What are the future plans? Is this roadmap one and done sort of thing? Will you address the numerous bugs in volumetric?


Q: Will you update the game to include Fire Mission game mechanic for K-9 VIDAR and M109 Paladins?

(eg, light tanks perform scout and call for artillery Fire Misison on position x, moving rate y, “Adjust Fire”; Fire Mission on position X, “Fire for Effect”; Fire Mission on position-x, multiple targets, “Suppress Fire”)


There are also WW II armour like the Flak 88, Waffenträger, etc

Yeah, you’re right, actually. Gaijin should continue to complain about naval having a low playerbase while doing nothing to increase players of said mode. Truly genius, they should hire you immediately.


Why not just give the missile to one of the two and move it up and see how it performs?


are we getting this finally ingame?

“The sounds of engines and tracks of enemy and allied ground vehicles are now divided into separate groups. Previously, enemy and allied ground vehicles sounded exactly the same, but now the control of enemy and allied vehicle sounds is independent, giving you the ability to increase the sound of enemy vehicles.”

It’s still in the changelog for the last patch so can this finally be added this time around?

This kind of posts are greate, but in this posts i never saw a single Q and A of console players , since we have alot problems and more questions it would be greate to answer console players questions too

Any plans for coupons on console accounts? We can’t do anything with coupons except use them. Or should we buy a coupon? This is a question that has certainly occupied the minds of many console players and for years no solution or program has been provided for it. We would like to know if you have a plan for us.

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