a few patches ago bots are set equal to real players reagrding battle pass tasks. Yesterday I had a task “destroy 10 players vessels with bluewater fleet”, In the first battle I destroyed 4 ships and 1 plane but the result was only 3 were counted for the task. So 2 ships must have been bots. Ok the task says “player vessels” but I think they didn’t change the name of the tasks and I remember that 1 week ago this worked also with bots. Did they re-patched the old logic by mistake or am I wrong?
I don’t think bots have ever counted towards tasks unless it says so specifically at the bottom. There is usually a “targets” listed in the task that says what types of targets are needed.
Were all your ships that you used (that got the kills) of a high enough rank? (i.e. met the task requirement).
I think tasks like destroying vehicles now actually check what vehicle you are in when you destroy them. e.g. Not the old thing of being able to just play one rank 3 and the rest lower ranks if it is a rank 3 task. That still works for tasks for score, damage, awards etc though.
yes - the rank was ok for all ships
but I found a evidence - in server update from Jan, 23. 2025 :
so all bot kills should also count for bp tasks?
Yeah, for daily/special tasks my understanding (from that same server update news) is that Gaijin bots count.
If you still have the battle results from that battle (the messages/envelope icon in the lower right of screen) you can check in there (if you hover the cursor over the ‘destruction of naval vehicles’) which were players and which were Gaijin bots. (This just confirms who-was-what and doesn’t really help you much though)
yes - I talked indeed from a daily task - have to check this. But this wouldn’t be the first time that a bug was implemented in a patch…
Oh, the battle pass “tasks” are called challenges. The daily tasks are tasks. which ones are you trying to complete and are referring to?
unfortunately only the name of the vessel is giving by hovering as described in the battle log - no players name or any other indicator if it was a bot.
I worked on the 3pts daily - have finished it yet but it would be of interest if I was wrong
hmm… this is the sort of thing I see when I have a mix of players and bots. If you don’t see that “Bot” suffix then it sounds like they were all players?
So the first thing i can think of is if you were using a Bluewater ship to get all the kills? Second is that planes don’t count as they are not “vessels” (boats).
indeed the (bot) was missing in my battle log - so even stranger as before…
it was the “cape roller” task which is not limited to naval targets - only “player vessels” were requested.
I killed 4 ships and 1 plane and 3 kills were counted afterwards - all by rank III bluewater ships (US Moffet deck)
I’ve personally seen things such as awards being given to the wrong person e.g. “Thunderer” in AirRB going to a player with less ground target kills than another play… (me!), and have read other posts where people say similar things. So it may be a case of something unusual like that happening.
“Vessels” are naval targets, otherwise its “Vehicles” , “Players” or “targets” .
(VESSEL | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary)
And the kills att 9:32 and 9:26, is that one player shot with two different ships or is it two different targets?
Does the actual in-game task state vessel though?
I could only find info in the old wiki, which says it is player vehicles. The new wiki wasn’t a help unfortunately.
(It’s a moot point to the OP question though)
I don’t know, i just went of of what the OP stated :)
Just a thought – was the plane that you got one of the floats from the ship? I don’t know how those are counted for vehicle kills, or how they show in the after-game report.
(just curious)
yes - in german ist was called “Fahrzeuge” which means vehicles (not vessels - my fault) - from my pov this does include planes. But nevertheless - it should then be 4 kills instead of 3
no - it was a regular plane