Kill credit should be awarded when a player you shot J out

Honestly this is just getting annoying. Far too many tanks have I crippled a tank just for them to J out and give 0 kill credit at all.

Do i really have to say Why it’s a bad idea?

Yes, you should explain why you should be able to simply deny kill credit when your tank is 90% destroyed by J’ing out.

My bad i read the opposite

If you get a crit on them you should get a kill credit when they j out.

Not if a heli crits a ground vehicle

I thought you got the kill anyway? If I go back to hanger I explode then the player who last hit me gets credited.

For whatever reason it works different for helis cause Gajin can’t code anything properly. There’s been multiple times now I’ve damaged enemy tanks (specifically times I’ve killed crewmembers and or destroyed their engine, and they just J out with 0 kill credit given.

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Already a feature in the game.