KH-38’s work perfect but AGM-65D’s won’t

It’s really frustrating to see how AGM-65s are preforming. Outta most games using them I noticed they are extremely hit or miss. Most of the times they randomly blow up, the completely miss the target, or they actually hit but do no damage. Then we have the KH-38s being launched from 35 miles outside of render distance hitting and destroying their targets with ease. It’s just funny to see anything not Russian in this game suffer

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I mean thats just heat warheads not doing the overpressure they should be doing, and thats a game wide issue.


they are getting a massive damage buff the next update.

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What the guy above me said ^^^

They are getting their damage and post pen radius improved drastically. Supposedly according to data miners, it’s going to be ~500% better.

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Welp it didnt happen. Its still garbage. Meanwhile Russia and France just clapping 5+ people in one go, while USA can barely get a single kill with AGM-65Ds

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