KF41- Australian lynx

there is always already cases like the finnish ito 90m, skink and garnt

gajin can put the same vehicles into multiple trees if they so desire later on
so i until said otherwise i would continue working for an finished kf41 in the german tree

Garnt? You mean the Ram?
But yes, they could do it. Look at all the Italian aircraft that used to be in the German tree even.
You campaign for the KF41 to Germany, I’ll campaign for complete Australian sub trees. The only reason I’d really want the KF41 for Australia is if we had a sub tree anyway.
Ground is probably our weakest point as it is, but air and naval are pretty good. Helicopters are ok, but helicopter trees in War Thunder don’t exactly need a whole lot of content to begin with. Some trees are still making do with 4 or 5 total helicopters, and the ANZACs can offer a total of 5 that I could come up with in my suggestion, plus a couple premiums.

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I’m probably wrong here

We fixed the lynx lol

Btw what even is the difference?

something coming to my mind, dont get me wrong but with a lot of that stuff specialy the FCS.
Australia doesnt have a big modern indiginous mbt/ifv programm, which literaly is a requirement to realy develop that kind of stuff.
I just cant see australia coming up with sth like and top modern fcs system out of nowhere,
The only equivalent would be the boxer , which uses a lancer 2 turret as well (honestly why australia didnt get lancer 2 for australia kf41 to share logistics parts etc i will never understand).
The boxer lancer 2 ifv stuff is all german development as well including the fcs

well lets agree to disagree lol

it has realy realy differentiated and i am not keeping up to date
last i am aware 50mm unmanned turret, FLIR, side spike/javelin launcher like bradley/puma


it was customized to have less crew space, more ammo and a new turret rheinmetall designed specifically for fitting 30 to 50 mm guns

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What does the regular lynx do better though?

US one i didnt hear anything about APS, seems like only ERA / NERA right now
11 tons planned heavier then the KF41 44t vs 55t
weight as a result influencing speed
30mm vs 50mm, bigger rounds, less space to carry them,
1 cre member less can be an advantage or disadvantage see it how you like it.

One of the typcial benefits of unmanned turrets is the smaller silhouete for the turret which this version obviously doesnt use


And isn’t one of the requirements to be able to swap between 30 and 50mm?

It’s possible they cut down the weight or are planning to fit it with a more powerful engine though

no idea, like i said not up to date

Fair enough, maybe one day we’ll see them competing with regular lynx at NATO exercises

Unless General Dynamics wins this in 3 years or it gets cancelled (always a possibility with american procurement programs), the first prototypes are slated be available for trial by start/middle of 2027, so i’m guessing the 7 or more different prototypes (from each company) will have 30/50mm cannons, different drive trains, and maybe aps too for when trials begin.
Either way the XM-30 is a long ways away.

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Look up Electro Optic Systems, it’s an Australian company that has been around for over 40 years and makes these types of systems.
It’s not on their website, but the entire turret system, called T-2000 from what I could find, for the AS21 Redback was designed by them as well.

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fair enough seems similar to the belgian cockerill then,
a company that focuses just on the turret systems to put ontom vehicles just less known

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Canadian/Australian tree when.


for a sec i thought you meant eltro lol

i forgot what they used to make… ah the begleitpanzers helicopter sensor