KF41- Australian lynx

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History and introduction

History, introduction and testing
While Australia is overhauling its military capabilities as part of its Land 400 (Phase 3) program, many companies around the world are vying for the top with their products.

In the IFV spot, the two top contenders competing to replace the Australian M113AS4, were Rheinmetall defence’s KF-41 Lynx (AUS) and Hanwha defense’s AS-21 Redback. Rheinmetall constructed three vehicles and delivered each of them to compete in the evaluation trials as part of the Risk Mitigation Activity (RMA) conducted by Australia over the span of a year starting from November 2020. The benefit of the Lynx (AUS), among other things, was going to be the ability to incorporate a ‘significant’ level of Australian technology and industry content which would have provided increased ease of maintenance and upgradability for the Australians.

The RMA trials would put to test the lethality, mobility and protection among other aspects of the participating vehicles. The IFVs also underwent blast testing at a dedicated Commonwealth facility.

While the Redback won the competition and went on to be selected in the Australian IFV position, the Kf-41 was no slouch. Arguably this variant is one of the most promising of all the Lynx variants. Sporting increased armour protection on the hull and turret, it replaces the Rheinmetall AMAP-ADS/Strike Shield for the Iron Fist APS.


Primary armament is Mk-30/2 ABM same gun as puma have

Additional anti-tank system is Spike-LR2

Secondary gun is 12,7 mm machine gun


The hull is provided with 360 12.7mm protection as well as up to 30mm APFSDS protection (UFP only) with the NERA armour package (rated STANAG 4569 level 5+) as well as having AMAP armour
The hull is also equipped with a spall liner, protecting its crew of 3 as stated in the Rheinmetall Kf-41 brochure.

In its form, the IFV KF41 differs in its rather large size and remarkable mass. The length of this vehicle is defined in 7,73 m, width - 3,6 m, height (on the roof of the tower type Lance 2.0) - 3.3 m. The mass of the empty machine is 41 t, which is reflected in its name. Combat weight with crew, assault force, fuel and ammunition reaches 44-45 t.

Also for protection we have Iron Fist system…


Engine: Leibherr diesel engine (18-litre)(1,140hp)
Transmission: Renk HSWL 256
Top Speed: 70kmph
Weight: 46 t
Torque: 5411Nm
Suspension: Torsion bar

Images and video



Material from book


LYNX: Rheinmetall & Raytheon Team Up For NGCV, Address Army Weight Concerns - Breaking Defense
Hanwha defeats Rheinmetall for $5-7 billion Aussie infantry fighting vehicle deal - Breaking Defense
Wehrtechnischer report “Lynx family”


+1, Would be neat to see wherever, Germany?


A usable light tank at top tier for the British tree? +1


Well, not adopted by Australia, so return to developer tech tree.


its not always that case. Export vehicles are a mess with trees and I can see this being a case like with the F-111 being used to plug a gap in the UK tree.

  • Australia ain’t a sub-tree
  • Was never in service for Australia
  • Nothing British about it

+1 for Germany


Yes, that gap can be filled by the British Ajax. UK has no right or need for this in the British tree.

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that flag in the corner of the blue ensign of Australia is more than enough and there’s not much information to even make a model of ajax at the moment, nor is the vehicle exactly liked by anyone so Im not seeing its addition any time soon



The flag is only offered.
Like the vehicle itself.
Not adopted.

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Cool, my country also has a union jack on the flag and yet I still have the same visa requirements to enter the UK as Venezuela. It’s not nearly as relevant as you think it is.

yea… I doubt that


doesn’t narrow it down at all tbh. countries that were parts of empires being in that nations tree would just be a simple and easy way to allocate nations to tech trees.

Still never heard a single good thing about ajax other than being able to do the job of warrior better. (its not even replacing warrior its replacing CVRT lmao)



For ANZAC(or Canada-ANZAC) tree.

Splitting nations are bad, and those who defend ripping apart a nation, likely hate that nation.

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In War Thunder, mechanical/noise issues are irrelevant. Ajax would literally be comparable 1:1 to the KF41. Same rate of fire, larger calibre, same paper armour, only difference is APS.

Also, it’s an actual british vehicle…


Still not a subtree, there is more reasons to add it to Germany than to the UK reallistically and it follows gaijin’s line of additions for exporta

seriously, more German clones for every nation to kill diversity, as if Hungary wasn’t enough?. I hope Dutch didn’t buy any Lynx so we will get domestic EBRC for France instead of another clone, if ever

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It was stated by Smin that the f-111 was a replacement for the f-111K whichbthe british startet but never finished.
Thats the only reason its a bone gajin threw to UK to be nice.

The australian Kf-41 would go to germany just like canadian leopards did. It has even more reasons since it got declined by australia.

Uk might be able to get the adopted redback from australia, but not the kf 41


Provided the differences in armor and the Iron Fist APS are unique to the Australian KF41, I am perfectly fine seeing this vehicle in Britain.

The KF41 AUS was built to Australian specifications, with the intent to win the Land 400 Phase 3 IFV contract comissioned by Australia, so I don’t see why its allegiance to Germany should be decided based on if it won or not. A purpose-built vehicle, for a foreign competition should go to the foreign entity.

+1, gatekeeping customer-specific export products is lame

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Australia declined the kf41 it has no reason to go to UK. It would go to germany.

Not only has it absolutly nothing to do with australia, australia is not a subtree to uk and australia didnt choose the kf41

Uk could get australias adopted redback from south korea

Ah so you are saying to remove the challenger 2e and vickers mk7 since they are export specific as well?

Same goes for vt 4 as well export only as well

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The difference is, as others have already said, Australia didn’t operate it. So it’s not an export vehicle but just a trialed one, which never go into subtrees let alone a nation that isn’t even a subtree.