It was easy, barely an inconvenience
Challenger 2 fixes
where dev blog
etc etc
Part 2 just started and you already cursed it
Give me LNY package pwease
Just getting the RR suffering out of the way early
oh and we now have a replacement for the Leo 2A4M CAN
How is it a leo 2a4m can replacement?
It’s free to get claimed by nations that had nothing to do with it ^^
Ah replacement as in the whole fight over it.
Yeah its stupid how its even a discussion to begin with.
There is so many option UK could go for.
Ajax, redback etc but nooo gotta go for the german vehicle. They dont even have the excuse that their own indiginous variant just sucks like they did withbthe challengers
Continuing the discussion from Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1):
Ok I'm on it
lol wtf
Now let's see if chatg.....some super sekrit insider information comes true:
Note, I know those are mostly all in game, let’s assume it are event/premiums!
Somebody should tell the ai to check for already implemented stuff
I did like 3 times and then came back with F-117’s and Su-57.
This is the model able for checking current stuff online and even gave it a link and explained the structure.
I think we are still a couple weeks from dev blogs
I was generally asking, not for Dev blogs. Maybe Br changes.
It’s not that long really. We might see news start the 2nd or 3rd week of February with the update either early or mid March.
It really isn’t, and the US has more than China
Still a bit to go yet before we get close to blogs for the next major.
I mean chinese new year stuff, didnt necesary talk about dev blogs.
But i would take news about promised leopard 2 dm rework and progress of pz2h bug reports personaly.
So part 3 is inevitable? This Is the Way…