Kf41 and PUMA need you!

i think thats part of the bug reports

thats wrong, the specifc type of that ammunition is with a proxy head and proven multiple type, layman google search just gives u the wrong one

programmator at the end of the barrel and there was a russian article stating it was a programmable time fuse not an HE VT
here it says

The combat vehicle “Derivations-Air Defense” is equipped with an uninhabited combat module with a combined passive reconnaissance and aiming system. It provides detection and shelling of air and ground targets from a place, in motion and afloat. The ammunition load includes five types of ammunition, the main of which is a multifunctional projectile with a remotely programmed detonation near the target, the Russian Defense Ministry reported earlier

its because gajin did a switchero once again and the round isnt named correctly

lmao sadly that’s the average gaijin moment all around

and that round isnt even in production as far as i know

anyway lets leave it at that and focus on the Puma

yeah i do agree so far most of stuff i’ve found its stuff on the old forums like somebody doing very rough calculus of the frontal armor taking the layers of the PUMA


yeah that’s how badly the PUMA armor its underperforming

not to mention they forgot to model the frontal LFP armour plate. theres already bug reports on that aswell.

yet something that simple hasnt been solved at all

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That was on the dev server, it was just a palceholder armour model