Kawasaki P-2J "FLIR Test bed"

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月刊JADI 618「見えざるものへの挑戦 光電開発物語 <第16回>

The P-2J was developed as the successor to the aging JMSDF P2V-7.
The main changes were a change from reciprocating engines to turboprop engines, a 1.3-meter longer fuselage than the P2V-7, and new onboard equipment.
The engine was changed from Wright R-3350 reciprocating engine to T64-IHI-10 turboprop engine and the auxiliary engine from Westinghouse J34 to NJE J3-IHI-7C engine.
The prototype successfully completed its first flight in July 1966, and the first mass-produced aircraft was delivered in September 1969.
The P-2J proposed here is a P-2J equipped with the FLIR system, which was studied as part of the P-2J modernization and upgrade program. The first prototype phase was not allowed to have the FLIR turret installed in the nose, so it was installed in the searchlight pod position on the right wing tip for testing.
The decision to introduce the P-3C led to the cancellation of the second prototype phase, but a practical test was conducted to install the FLIR turret on the remaining P-2J, and its performance and practicality were confirmed (during the practical test the FLIR turret was installed in the nose of the aircraft.
The P-2J was never equipped with the FLIR turret due to changes in the P-2J upgrade program.

◎anti-submarine aircraft


・length: 29.26m
・width: 30.89m
・height: 8.94m
・dry wheight: 20,400kg
・max takeoff weight: 34.100kg
・T64-IHI-10 turboprop engine x2
・NJE J3-IHI-7C engine x2
◎Max Speed: 556km/h

・Mk44 torpedo x4
・150kg anti-submarine bomb x16
・127mm Rocket x8

◎FLIR turret
・Horizontal angle: ±140°
・Vertical rotation: +10°~-80°
・FOV: 5°~20°

月刊JADI 618「見えざるものへの挑戦 光電開発物語 <第16回>

◎AN/APS-80 radar
◎Magnetic Anomaly Detector

◎Expected BR:??

◎Web Sources
機体記号 : 4747 (海上自衛隊) 航空機体ガイド | FlyTeam(フライチーム)
・月刊JADI 618「見えざるものへの挑戦 光電開発物語 <第16回>
・ 防衛庁技術研究本部二十五年史
・川崎技報 No.37


+1 just curious is this a earlier version of the P-2J?

P-2J 4747, so I don’t think it’s an early model.


I’m all for maritime patrol aircraft being added, so this gets a +1!


+1, Can’t wait to fly these big modern boats just like the PS-1 or the P-1

P2V AS-12

I think Gaijin should add this with AS.12s just to give a point to the FLIR camera. It could give Japan a good high tier MCLOS CAS

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