Ka-50 vs Ka-52 internals

In the Ka-50 XRAY

its internals are missing. However with the Ka-52 Its internals are present. I am unaware if this is intentional or a mistake on the development team’s part however it seems like an oversight due to the fact it is relativity a similar chassis over all and could be filled in with components.

The Ka-52 for reference looks like this on the inside

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it takes a long time to develop detailed modules for helicopters which is why only the KH52 and Apaches gets them (as far as I’m aware).

In the dev server, the ka50 gets it’s detailed modules:

Detailed modules as a mechanic is good in concept but all vehicles need to get them at the same time with the same level of standard.


Have you been livin under a rock, or has the dev server eluded you

I just haven’t had enough space for the dev server this time round so my fault

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