Here I would like to propose a skin also called camouflage for the Norwegian K9 Vidar. This would eventually be possible to get through buying the ones with golden eagles or achieve it by performing various tasks which then give points which are accumulated until you get the camouflage. They don’t put on the camouflage netting the same way every time and that’s why I call it “COLD RESPONSE 2022”, in the ongoing exercise “Nordic Response” you can see the camouflage netting being used differently too, but that’s for another post. The cap threaded forward of the barrel could have been included and possibly disappeared when one shot is fired, but I’m not sure how that could work, but it is a possibility to include it.
-Number plate: 90028 black writing on yellow plate
-White camouflage netting
-Brown camouflage netting
-Tape marks on commander’s hatch
-Tarpaulin and camouflage netting rolled up on the rear part on top of the tower
- Yes
- No
Also known as