Except for side composite armor(I’ve remember as K1 only has it), all things are what I’ve already know. But thanks for remember and call me XD
Votes yes if its added to a Japan and South Korea TT.
No if it goes anywhere else
This suggestion/post is for Norway, so this one goes either to sweden or in any scandinavian related tt
Then consider my “yes” vote changed to “no”
Wish the poll stated where in-game not just in game in general.
It was mentioned in the description
If you read the post you will see that the post is intended Norway ;)
For other countries there are other posts/suggestions for them :)
So there is no need for another poll than yes & no here
Its deception thats what it is, change the title, besides u having bunch of stuff wrong u gave it the exact same title as the other k2 black panther thread from david
I named it the name it bears, wich is “K2 Black Panther” and i am not changing it.
Read the post, and it will very soon be clear what country the suggestion is for👍
Lot K2 hatred in the votes.
Obviously this should come, more K2 the better.
+1 we need more Norwegian and Danish vehicles :D
Since Norway chose Leopard, it should go rather Polish or Korea TT, not any other random country.
Adding vehicles that never had been really put in service nor developed in their country would ruin the point of the TT.
Not when it is modified, this exact one only got a new heater and the Norwegian camouflage tough, but the other got more.
Many cases like that
what is this post about? Is it about he k2 black panther or some export variant of it? I don’t know why people keep brining up trees that doen’t even exist. the first K1 was a tank design with American help, whih would place the K1 in the U.S Tech tree, the K2 is a vehicle made by Korea which looks EXACTLY LIKE THE K1 Black Panther. how you o anyone else can say it belong in a polish tree tree or some off shoot quasi nordic tech tree that doesn’t exist is crazy
The post is about a standard K2 that happened to trial in Norway, if you’re looking for an export version specifically for this nation, the suggestion can be found here.
OP’s suggestions are in the hopes that Norway will be part of it’s own tree one day, alongside Denmark and Iceland, so don’t assume that this vehicle is being suggested for Sweden or anywhere else just because other Norwegian and Danish vehicles are already present there.
Because they want them to? Vehicle suggestions for countries without their own tree or subtree are created to both raise general support and show other players what this theoretical new nation could bring to the game.
Most people want to see the K1 and K2 in a South Korean/United Korean tree, no point in wasting their potential by putting them in the U.S.
A K2 used by Poland would go where Poland goes in-game no? If people want Polish stuff in it’s own separate tree, either by itself or with other nations, then the K2PL would end up there too. Same with Norway, although unlike the K2PL, the tank in this suggestion is identical to the South Korean one, which is why it’s a bit more controversial.
Not sure if you’re new here, but people enjoy thinking outside the boundaries of what we already have in-game, and for many, that includes the 10 nations Gaijin has added so far.
lol like saying there wil be Ukrainian tanks in the russian tech tree
wasting their potential? there would be no k1 without the U.S and there would be no k2 without the K1 so your logic is unsound and backwards.
like the canadian leopard sitting in a german tech tree? there is no way a south korean tank would be added to a polish tech tree unless you want a export variant, which would be another downgrade.
Which is a fair analogy, but I’d say that the lack of an ongoing conflict between North and South Korea helps their chances, not to mention that nobody is asking for a Russian subtree in general, even if Ukraine gets added most are hoping that it will end up in its own tree.
The K1/2 could fit in the U.S., I’m not really denying that the ties are there, it’s more that there would be no point in doing so if they could serve a better purpose as the crown jewels of a United Korean tree instead. After all, there is a limited number of adequate top tier MBTs that can still be added, so mind as well allow them their own tree.
I am referring to trees/subtrees. Gaijin never specified Canada to be a subtree for any nation, which is why they have taken great liberty in throwing their vehicles wherever they please. Sure, I don’t agree with it, no matter how many ties something like the Leopard 2A4M has to Germany, but without a confirmed tree or subtree there’s not really a “home” at the moment.
In the K2PL’s situation I am presuming that Poland gets it’s own home, and thus has an area where all of it’s vehicles can be focused, regardless of initial nationality.
Well yeah, I am referring to the K2PL, which is not in fact a downgrade, having multiple improvements such as hardkill APS, additional composite armor, a 12.7mm RWS, and potentially even provisions for ERA. It has not manifested in a prototype yet but when it does come into being I expect it to be necessary for a Polish or Eastern European tree’s rank VIII.
The K2PL is supposed to start taking shape this year but has seen delays from both South Korea and Poland sadly.
for USA
I really hope this gets added someday, and certainly would love to see the K2PL as well for a polish tree eventually™