Just wanna check if i'm not crazy about gun dispersion on 57mm guns and on the 17 pounder

Idk about you guys but the dispersion on the 57mm Cromwell, 57mm T-34 and the 17 pounder and other 57mm guns seems a bit bonkers, i can’t really record properly and test it myself but sometimes it really feels like the shells are going a bit too off target sometimes.

Maybe it’s historically accurate…? Idk and i can’t really find documments talking about it

what is your crew level on them

Yes they have pretty bad dispersion, specifically the 57 mm guns, not so much the 17 pounder, that one is not great but it’s not horrible, it works since the gun has so much penetration you pretty much just need to hit.

Crew level has no impact on gun dispersion.

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You can look up gun dispersion on the Gszabi datamines, 6pdr definitly has too much spread going by the AEC Mk II trials the Russians did, and 17pdr has considerably more dispersion than 88mm, 85mm and 76mm M1 guns.

To save you some time and copy paste a thing I wrote ages ago. The smaller number the better.

17pdr is at 0.075
77mm OQF Mk II also 0.075

Both 88s already stand at 0.027
90mm M3 also already at 0.027
57mm Zis 4, 6pdr and M1 alll at 0.12 currently.
75mm Kwk 42 is 0.027
75mm Kwk 40 is 0.07 (so not amazing but somehow better than 17pdr and much better than 6pr
75mm Pak 40 is 0.075 oddly worse than Kwk 40
75mm M2 and M6 is 0.07
75mm M3 for some strange reason is 0.075 so worse than M2 and M6.
75mm M1897 also 0.075
76mm M1 and 3 Inch M7: 0.027
75mm D-5S, D-5T, D-58, D-70, Type 56, ZIS-S-53: 0.027

The latter two were changed fairly recently from a bug report.

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One thing to point out: every cannon you listed with a lower dispersion (those with 0.027) do so because they were bug reported.

If changes are to be made to the Russian 57 mm and UK 6 pounder, well, that’s what must be done. Same with the KwK 40, PaK 40, 17 pounder, so on.