Just like Port, Ardennes needs to change

I have decided I’m just gonna leave games if you get the bad spawn on either of these maps. North side for port, and south side for the large Ardennes map.

It is absolutely bonkers that both of these maps give massive spawn advantage. Port can control the entire A side with no effort from 30m outside spawn.

Ardennes winter(the large map) lets north side spawn and have wide open shots on the entire south side spawn. While simultaneously providing them cover to make these shots while your spawn is wide open. So the minute they control any sort of lanes at all you’re now spawn trapped and this can happen within a literal minute , and it normally does.

Idk about you guys the premium spam is already bad enough, we need maps changed that allow spawn camping from the start of the game at top tier and map control from start of the game. This shit barely if at all affects the lower tiers the same way and the maps are fine for it because they simply don’t have the range finders, FLIR and lightning fast darts to cover distances fast.

One team should not be handed an easy victory, RP, SL and kills simply by getting the lucky spawn.

This needs to change.


Old larger ardennes better than shtty recent version

Might now have been around when it was a thing. The biggest version that exists now is what I’m referring to. Absolute crap if you’re on south spawn.

BS, I win and lose games on those maps from either side just like any other map and I am no special player.Just take the time to work the maps out.

I’m pretty tired of people bleating about good maps and then seeing them removed.
I personally believe in losing crewlock and if people want to bail then let them.


Old version which is way bigger are used to be better because both side can counter each other if they know what they’re doing and what you see as big version of ardennes it’s actually the down scale of the old ones which is yeah total garbage (well gaijin are infamous as making garbage maps now as people know)


Top tier should have a full set of it’s own maps.All the era should have their own maps related to that era…Oh but we don’t do era’s do we as the Gaijin fanboys are proud to announce.

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100% : ) .

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I’m okay with eras and mixing as long as it’s balanced like I think it mostly is for ground. There just needs to be maps made with top tier in mind.

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