- Yes
- No
History and introduction
The vehicle
The chassis of this prototype is based on the TransportPanzer Fuchs APC. It is a decent and well rounded vehicle offering all-round protection from 7.62mm AP ammunition even at 0°. It can also be equipped with an add-on armour package on the vehicle sides made by IBD-Deisenroth to increase protection even further. This package includes spall liners on the sides, rear and roof to reduce damage should the hull be penetrated.
The missile
The PARS 3 MR is a development of the Trigat project by the Euromissile Dynamics Group of EADS and BAe Dynamics, which was to yield both the LR (long range) and MR (medium range) versions of the missile. It is suspected that there also was to be a SR (short range) version but this was dropped during the initial proposal phase. In many aspects, the Trigat project was the ancestor to the Spike system.
While the LR was to be IR guided automatic missile, the MR was a laser beam riding missile, much like the Vikhr missile used by the Russian forces.
On 15th June 1995, the development of the PARS 3 MR was completed and 4 launches and 4 successful hits were done. Further testing of the system was done, at all distances from 200 to 2000m (tests were even carried out in Australia). Trials went on up to July 1998 when they finally were completed.
Despite many of the nations that were supposed to fund and participate in the project (they signed MoUs) pulling out of serial production of the missile (Britain, Netherlands, Belgium and later even France), Germany managed to bring the LR missile to production status and employed it in the Tiger helicopter.
For mounting on vehicles a pintle mounted launcher has been developed (see images). An integrated compact turret has also been prototyped (as above). In any case the basic launcher tube, sight and guidance equipment is the same.
However the MR missile was not so fortunate. It was, albeit, fully developed, however the demand for such a system did not exist in a sufficient amount to justify the cost of the full program and further production. Hence the Trigat, or PARS 3 MR was dropped altogether.
There was a proposal by EADS to develop the Trigan system, which would be a modified Trigat 3 MR but compatible with the Milan 3 launcher system. It would retain the ability to fire both kinds of missiles, either using wire/fibre optic guidance or laser. It may have been the original intent as well but apparently was dropped as the PARS 3 MR was 152mm in calibre, much too large for the MILAN launcher. This would have eased integration of the new ATGM within armed forces that chose to employ the new technology. However this system seems not to have been worked on any further than the mere proposal.
Technical specifications
Crew: 3 (Composition: Driver, Commander, Gunner)
Height: ~2.6m (inc pars launcher)
Length: 6.82m
Width: 2.98m
— Mobility —
Weight: ~17t
Engine: Mercedes-Benz OM 402A V-8 Diesel
Power: 320hp @ 2500rpm
Top speed: 105kmph
Power/weight: 18.8hp/t
Transmission: ZF 6HP500 (6 forward and 1 reverse) coupled to a single-speed transfer case to all axles
Suspension: Coil spring shock absorbers
Amphibious: Yes
Speed on water: 10kmph
— Armament —
Main gun: 4 x PARS 3 MR
Elevation: -10º, + 30 (estimated)
Traverse: 360º
Laser range finder: Yes (probably)
Smoke grenades: 12 + stocks carried in hull
Thermals: IRCCD detector based
Field of View (FOV)
- General FOV:
- 105 milliradians (6°)
- 148 & 87 milliradians
- Optical FOV:
- Wide Mode: 8° x 4°
- Narrow Mode: 3° x 1.5°
Available Zoom Levels:
- x10
- x7 & x12
The laser beam-riding technology used in the TRIGAT MR guidance system was created by Zeiss Optronics and BAE Systems. After launch, the missile’s seeker acquires the laser beam and follows it towards the target. Consequently, the laser must stay on target until the missile makes contact and the target must remain in line of sight. The laser beam is encoded for resistance to countermeasures. By using infrared charge-coupled (IRCCD) detectors, the thermal imaging sight can operate at any weather and time setting.
The missile has a performance edge in urban settings due to TVC (thrust vector control), which offers excellent manoeuvrability versus nimble, short-range targets. Applying propulsive force close to the missile’s centre of gravity allows for thrust vector control guidance.
To add to that, it helps the operator avoid detection by giving it a low launch velocity of 20 m/s (thereby causing less noise and smoke exhaust). Because the tail fins are movable and feature a curved surface, the missile spins while in flight to maintain aerodynamic stability.
Weight: 17kg (inc container tube)
Weight: 15kg (missile only)
Length: 1045mm
Calibre: 152mm
Count: (according to space available)
Warhead type: (Tandem cumulative High Explosive Anti-Tank)
Warhead performance: 1000mm penetration at 0°
Range: 2400-2600m
Velocity: 2000m/12s = ~167m/s = 600km/h
Thrust vectoring: Yes
Proximity fuse: Yes
Guidance: Laser Beam riding (10 urn wavelength)
- Intercepts targets going:
- 60km/h @200m
- 150km/h @1500m
After calculations, the missile is capable of at least 25G of lateral acceleration if it was able to achieve these hits.
- Javelin - Think Defence
- MR TRIGAT Anti-Tank Guided Weapon Programme: 27 Sep 2000: Hansard Written Answers - TheyWorkForYou
- PARS 3 LR - Wikipedia
- https://web.archive.org/web/20010219003424/http://www.euromissile.com/emdg/product_emdg_trig_mr.htm
- https://cloud.mail.ru/public/9dEX/djuwzbp4V/Wehrtechnik/1995%20not%20renamed/08/нечётные/IMG_20220129_120156_1.jpg
- https://cloud.mail.ru/public/9dEX/djuwzbp4V/Wehrtechnik/1995%20not%20renamed/04
- https://cloud.mail.ru/public/9dEX/djuwzbp4V/IDR/1991%20vol.24/08/IDR%201991-08%20p.794.jpg
- https://cloud.mail.ru/public/9dEX/djuwzbp4V/Wehrtechnik/1986%20not%20renamed/06/нечётные/IMG_20211117_192441_1.jpg
- https://cloud.mail.ru/public/9dEX/djuwzbp4V/Wehrtechnik/1985%20not%20renamed/01/нечётные/IMG_20211113_152745_1.jpg
- https://cloud.mail.ru/public/9dEX/djuwzbp4V/Wehrtechnik/1995%20not%20renamed/04/нечётные/IMG_20220129_110116.jpg
- Thread ‘Trigat missile family’ Trigat missile family | Secret Projects Forum
- Образцы ракетной техники на Берлинском авиашоу (ILA 2014, Berlin Air Show, Германия) | Ракетная техника