JGSDF Type10 Tank/10式戦車

Why is the neutral steering on the Type 10 so complete and utter shit?

Almost 20 seconds for a full rotation.

Double that of the M1 AIM.

Even a T-80 without neutral steering is twice as fast.


Oh did they freaking break it again? I could have sworn it was fixed… Spaghetti code moment.


I don’t know, I never experienced a Type 10 that didn’t feel anemic. It’s constantly stalling out in corners and unable to carry momentum.

It can’t even turn without stalling out repeatedly.


Welcome to WT where the only thing matter is engine HP power and some magic with ground resistance.

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But why is it so bad just for these tanks?

TKX is also abysmal… a modern MBT cannot complete half a rotation without stalling?


If you have an extra mouse button, I’d suggest to keybind ‘‘Manual transmission mode’’ to it.

Go into a test drive, find the gear which results in the quickest traverse rate, then when you’re in a battle you can simply switch to manual mode which forces the vehicle to stay in that specific gear.

It prevents the stalling and results in a massively faster traverse rate.

This has always been a good trick with the Tiger and King Tiger, both of those turn best at high gears (5th going by memory) and you can surprise people by how quickly it turns.

Just tested the pivot turn myself. As already said, the cause is the instructor’s control over the automatic transmission.

What happens during a pivot is that 4th gear is too high end ends up bogging the engine, the instructor then overcompensates by shifting from 4th gear to 2nd gear- which is too low. You can see the speed ramp up drastically in 3rd gear, only then to switch to 4th for no good reason and stall the engine again and repeat this awkward dance. 3rd gear is clearly the only one that should be used during pivots, the automatic transmission is not programmed correctly to utilize it. 4th gear would likely not be a problem at higher speed if we had regenerative steering, but since we lose all our speed in even a slight turn anyway, 3rd gear is the only acceptable gear for pivot turns currently.

Keep in mind this tank is supposed to have a CVT, for better or worse. But let’s be real, regenerative steering would’ve fixed this problem not only for this tank but all other modern tanks…

Highly recommend a bug report for this one.
Already reported, guess Japan is low priority per usual.

Edit: Apparently the TKX and TKX(P) reach up to 2100 RPM in contrast to the Type 10 at 1200 RPM during neutral steering and do so much faster. The Type 10 is unable to reach these RPMs for whatever reason. All of these tanks suffer from the 4th gear pivot issue.

Do you have all the engine upgrades for your Type 10? What you’re showing here is not normal. Your RPM is too low, and the tank is sliding around too much. The engine should reach 1100-1200 while neutral steering and is definitely faster than what you’re showing here. Your video reminds me of how the tank used to neutral steer before a previous fix.

Regardless of engine upgrades though, this kind of performance even on a stock engine is unacceptable.

No this is mostly stock, but so is the M1 and the T-80 for comparison.


type 10 is now mostly immune to autocannons on the turret back

for more details, visit this failed attempt of a thread Autoloader models and questions


I love when unintended “russian bias” effect gets passed along to other nations amid these equalization changes. Time to see how long until it takes them to code autoloaders to generate spall properly, if its even possible to do so. I say this because they probably have to essentially rewrite the modules to all have their own RHA effectiveness, add their own spall generation code, and have it still function and interact with projectiles as a module that can break as well while maintaining armor spall effects.

I do not envy the programmers who have to fix this issue.

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I’m kind of surprised they haven’t changed anything after a month. It will most likely get changed when they update the entire model someday. Reports have already been made about the autoloader “arm,” so maybe it will get fixed with that. Surely it wasn’t intentional that they have ~230mm RHA in the back of the turret, right?

Can’t have a Japanese tank with protection against autocannons, gotta nerf that ASAP. xD