JF-17 Dev Thread

JF-17 Thread

Statistics/values are not final and are subject to change during and even after the Dev Server.

The JF-17 is being introduced as a Squadron vehicle for the Chinese Tech Tree. The version in game is the JF-17 A1 or JF-17 Block 1.

Datamined statistic
RP Cost (Squadron RP): 580,000

Given Statistics:
Rank: 8
BR (Air RB): 13.3
BR (Ground RB): 12.3

Place in Tech Tree:

Modifications/features (in game):

Screenshot 2024-08-30 231050Screenshot 2024-08-30 230925Screenshot 2024-08-31 120405Screenshot 2024-08-31 120301

Modifications/features (Advertised in Dev Blog):

Modifications/features from above yet to be added:

  • BRM-1 Missiles (model seems to have been made already)
  • MAWS
  • Radar set features (ground target track etc)
  • PL-5E II missile missing IRCCM

Modifications/features (IRL):

  • HD-1A Anti ship missile (YJ-12) ------------------------------- (~250km range) ------------------ (suitable for WT)
  • C-701T(YJ-7) Anti ship/land attack missile ----------------- (25km range) ------------------- (suitable for WT)
  • C-704 Anti ship/land attack missile ----------------------------- (35km range) ------------------- (suitable for WT)
  • C-705 Anti ship/land attack missile ---------------------------- (140km range) ------------ (not suitable for WT)
  • C-802AK Anti ship missile ---------------------------------------- (~180km range) ------------------ (suitable for WT)
  • LS-6 laser/GPS guided bomb --------------------------------------- (___km range) ------------------ (suitable for WT)
  • Al Battar Laserguided bomb (suitable for WT)
  • H-2 SOW PGM --------------------------------------------------------------- (60km range) -------------------- (suitability TBD)
  • H-4 SOW PGM ------------------------------------------------------------- (120km range) ------------- (not suitable for WT)
  • GB-6 guided bomb ------------------------------------------------ (150-280km range) ------------- (not suitable for WT)
  • Takbir GPS guided bomb ----------------------------------------------- (60km range) ------------------- (suitable for WT)
  • GIDS REK ------------------------------------------------------------------ (50-60km range) ------------------- (suitable for WT)
  • WMD TGP ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (suitable for WT)
  • Domestic IRST POD --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (suitable for WT)
    – JF-17 uses the MIL-STD-1760 as well as the STD-MTL-1553B data bus allowing compatibility with the western and eastern weapons (although these are usually reserved for the F-16s which can only use western weapons)
  • Aim-9L (claimed)
  • Aim-9Li-1 (claimed)
  • Aim-9M (claimed)
  • Aim-7F (claimed)
  • MAA-1 Piranha (claimed to be tested only)

Current Bugs

Previous Discussion Thread





C-802 (left), C-803 (right)

Pakistan & Bangladesh Tech Tree - #921 by Armen_Lozone


I know where my squadron rp is going next :D




@Miraz05 if you have dev server installed can you help with making the bug reports?

I haven’t downloaded dev server. Can I switch between dev server and live server after downloading dev server?

just make sure to install it in a seperate directory so the dev files dont overwrite the live game files


Gaijin said they currently dont have any plans to add ground tracking for aircraft radars.

I think you forgot about LS-6 and Type-200A anti runway bomb.

can someone make one for su24 please

they already have it for the Su-39 with the Kopyo radar pod and some helicopters (Mi-28)

i havent added those since gaijin hasnt added those for any aircraft but ill search around for the LS-6
EDIT: LS-6 added

isnt there already one made?

Those are just some exceptions. A lot of planes in game are missing ground radar mode. I dont think gaijin will accept it as a bug report.

Sadly, in dev server wrong engine or engine placeholder

I never see JF-17A Block I armed but gajin no problem add on JF-17 in dev server

I never see AIM-9L on JF-17A like AIM-9L/I-1 & AIM-9M

2x AIM-9L stock ?

I don’t know gajin ready add in dev server for this major update or next major update

I waiting add with update dev server new version

Gajin not ready 2 or 3 years

might still lol

yeah this is why i only wrote claimed.
if anyone has info or proof theyre welcome but for now this is not part of the official weapons

they should add the C-701T which is basically a maverick of a KH-38MT

yeah hopefully more aircraft will get GNSS bombs


Current JF-17 Thunder has 1960s russian jet pilot models but, historically, PAF JF-17 pilots doesn’t use those helmets and pilot suits.

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Want to add this livery to the game


added to list

and this one too

can somone check and confirm the HUD is accurate when the cockpit model is finally released on the dev?