JAS39C is missing basically EVERYTHING that makes it a version C

Does the gripen C or the E have CFT?

Aside from couple of drawings there shouldnt be any Gripen model with CFT configuration in real life.

Rip, id love to see some CFT made for the gripen

No, the JAS39 was not able to use Skyflash because the PS-05 radar does not have a CW illuminator to guide Skyflash.

Skyflash mounted on the JAS39 at the airshow is a mockup of active Skyflash.

I JAS-beslutet 1982 togs ställning till att JAS 39 skulle utrustas med en aktiv radarjaktrobot. Detta innebar att arvet från jaktViggens RB 71 Skyflash inte kan utnyttjas på JAS 39, då denna robot är semi(halv-)aktiv och kräver en belysningssändare i flygplanet. JAS 39:s beväpningssystem konstruerades med denna inriktning, d v s ulan belysningssändare. 1982 bedömdes den amerikanska AMRAAM skulle vara utvecklad och tillgänglig för köp i mitten av 1990-talet. I JAS 39 Gripen grundintegreras därför AMRAAM. Enligt försvarsbeslut 87 skulle förutsättningarna för modifiering av RB 71 till en aktiv radarjaktrobot (71 A) med hjälp av svensk robotindustri samt en svensk utveckling aven högprestandaradarrobot (RB 73) utredas.

Med bättre beväpningsoch motmedelssystem än jaktViggen får Gripen endast inledningsvis vissa begränsningar m h t att radarjaktrobot inte disponeras.


SAAB has chosen two missiles to be the standard armament of the JAS39. For short-range combat the Rb74 Sidewinder (AIM-9L) IR seeking missile has been chosen. The JAS39 carries special target selection equipment enabling it to give the missile a higher performance and accuracy than before. The pylons on the wing tips are constructed for Rb74 and Rb24, which is the older version of the Sidewinder AIM-9.

For medium range combat the Rb 15 AMRAAM (AIM-120) radar-seeking missile was chosen as standard armament. This choice was a surprise since the SAAB 37 Viggen carries Rb71 Sky Flash and it was assumed that the JAS39 would carry the same missile.




Tbh i dont it looks good.

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Thanks for the info!
I’ll look further (but i think you are correct from what i’ve read since i made that comment) because i think i’ve seen some info that it was tried with the skyflash during development or something. it might also be the case that they used them as exercise/practice missiles during the first few years to not waste stock, but i’m not sure.

Love it

Maybe in real life it could look better, but for now it looks hideous in my eyes xD

Some things should stick to drop tanks.


Not that I know of

Hey, i found a press realease from 1999 from SAAB stating that the upgraded EWS-39 (the electronic warfare system in JAS39) was ordered in “10 DECEMBER 1999” and is “valued at 1.2 billion kronor (142 MUSD)”. I assume that this got implemented into the C version as that then later became operational in 2002. it is described as:
" the system includes means to discover threats from radar, analyze the signals, validate them against known data, present the threats to the pilot and take proper counteractions. These counteractions include, for instance, electronic jamming against radar and radar-guided missiles, flares against IR-guided missiles and chaff against radar and radar-guided missiles. "

holy. do you know if an actual prototype of the Rb 71A was built?

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Now you report to gaijin change new radar (PS-05/A Mk.3) and new targeting pod (Litening III) replace PS-05A & AN/AAQ-28(V)Litening II ?

Next year gaijin should ready Rb 98 IRIS-T and replace Rb 74(M) & AIM-9M with max BR to 13.3 for JAS39 Gripen C (Flygvapnet & SAAF)

Datalink very good mechanic feature in the future

I guess PS-05/A Mk4 radar, AIM-120C-8 AMRAAM, Rb 101 Meteor & GBU-39B/B Laser SDB with JAS39C Gripen MS.20 or JAS39C Gripen C Late (13.7 or 14.0 BR) at rank 9 and located after JAS39C

Already done radar report and it got passed as suggestion.

I have seen Litening III reports but i think they are not planning it right now.

i would prefer to see some version of “early” and “late” versions for both A and C versions as it would give Sweden a more varied selection for top tier.

i would guess that they will release all those with JAS39E later in a year or two. i highly doubt they will put those on C version.

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It got scrapped in favour of the AIM-120 (Rb 99).

yeah. seems about right.

Gaijin not ready change new targeting pod replace AN/AAQ-28(V)Litening II this major update in this month ?

But gaijin could be ready change new laser-electro-optical targeting pod on Gripen C (Flygvapnet, HuAF & SAAF) for third major update

I guess gaijin might call JAS39C Gripen MS20 instead JAS39C Gripen C Late

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and @_David_Bowie, cause it would be quite nice to let the JAS 39A have a active radar missile. but since gaijin wont give the rb99 to the 39A for some reason, a good option would be the RB 71A.

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JAS39A should also have Litening III, sweden never used Litening II