JAS39C is missing basically EVERYTHING that makes it a version C

The 74(M) is the 9M

rb74(M) is quoted by mod to be 9L/I-1 based on report that specifically mentioned 9Li

Im currently working on corelating dates that this report could not mention 9L/I-1, but only recently added 9Li on f4f ice

What’s the difference between the L/I-1 and M anyway

Do you have the quote ?

Again, the main reason the Skyflashes actually got added to any of the Gripens was balance. Once the update drops none of the Gripen Cs will have Skyflashes available to them, only the Gripen A will keep them.
Even if the articles and brochures claiming Skyflash compatibility didn’t exist, Gaijin would have added SARH missiles to the Gripens, just like they added ahistorical missiles to the J-8F

If you have any sources regarding german sidewinders (i can read german so those are okay) would love the help to correct this mistake (since apparently we have to prove negative now…)

J8F didn’t get SARH

and idk the skyflash is a worse option than BOL + RB 74M

Skyflash definitely isn’t worse, it’s an alternative to let people use the Gripen as a BVRAAM platform if they want to. In the limited time I have used the SAAF Gripen I had way more success with Skyflashes than with the 9Ms because they fit my playstyle better.

About the J-8F, yeah, I misremebered which missiles were chosen

Just like how they gave Aim-9M,R-Darter and AGM-65G’s to SAAF Gripen even tho it never used them, but i dont see any complains from you.

Best thing about this even if you manage to prove that Swedish Gripen C didnt carry Aim-9L/I-1 its not gonna change anything, because it is compatible with all Nato munitions which includes Aim-9M’s.

Seems like you love double standarts.


I agree JAS39 Gripen A lose Rb 74(M) only. and including lose HMS mode from PS-05A radar

I hope gajin add AIM-9L/i-1 on Tornado ADV from italy tech tree and Tornado IDS ASSTA 1 in germany tech tree for third major update or fourth major update this year

Okay i will it all out to you because you clearly dont understand

Situation 1: swedish gripen 9Li

I have access to all 3 gripens (not bought because well, the point here is they are the same) so i should care less about balance but i really do. So i really value flavor, where there is a place for flavor for 1% performance i take that trade every time. I hate how gajin went with all MiG29 (not like ziggy who tries to put random collections of facts into causation chain) with them receiving all same armament without any though to the future and in case of the newest one flavor left behind. I hate how gajin messed up challenger 2s where they all got same shells and now you have 6 challangers at same BR because you cannot spread them out. I hate how gajin messed up belgian F16 and gave us really annoying to balance blk 10 with Aim9M instead of f16 with magics

And here you are talking that i have vendetta for literally adding smoke to gripen, not even conceiving possibilities of spreading them out.

Situation 2: maverick for sweden

again sweden had SAPHEI rb75 as far as we know, they were most likely fited with seeker of rb75 (so A mav) so be it. Its flavor and to you complaining about not having good maverick… tough luck? Im not gonna complain UK gripen got different dumb bomb and i would like have quad 100kg. Like really bring laser bombs they are better anyways, but thats beside the point.

Situation 3: italian 9L/I 9L/I-1

Here im more torn but still i think i agree with gajin that those should probably be on different platforms (new vehicles) like having a second f16 with 9L/I-1 or 9Li and AMRAAM because there is only gonna be 2 of those 9L + sparrow ADFs so i think its fine

Most people play this game for flavor, they dont care that their favorite version of F16 or whatever is better then anyone its the differences in whole platforms or small differences between different variants and FFS its literally adding smoke to a missile but you’re crying like you are left with a gun only (on plane that was so stupidly OP on release that it took 10 or however many reports to bring down to earth)

Oh you sure do, you made this personal chase.

Its getting AGM-65G because it is compatible with all Nato munitions, which is another point that Gripen C is also compatible with Aim-9M.

Not really, so far you’re the only one who acts like this, most people i know actually care about balance rather then nerfing certain vehicles for personal interests.

Im not the one who acts like kid and claiming Swedish Gripen’s didnt have Aim-9L/I-1’s nor its not compatible with Aim-9M without solid evidence.

Thanks for proving that you’re on a personal vendetta, not for balance.

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So in this case, countries don’t need to have the specific weaponry in the inventory. As long as it’s compatible with the vehicles we could have it in the game right?
Just to make sure that it’s a common standard that’s not restricted to Swedish tech tree, and our players can browse through other tech trees to see if weaponries could be added

Yes it can, and i have sources to prove it. But i’m away at the moment so I dont have access but i would gladly send them later if you want them.

Just had another search myself, you’re right, the PS/05A MK1 can guide Skyflashes from what I can tell, however, the radar used in the later Gripen As and almost all of the Cs have newer radar revisions without a CW illuminator, meaning they cannot guide Skyflashes

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This isnt even a first time theyve done this lmao. You think sweden started it? F-5C is an amalgamation of like 4 different coubtries f-5. Then the SAAF gripen got the agms ehich it never used. Or the agm upgrade for the ICE because other phantoms can carry them. It all comes down to whether the devs believe the vehicle for x nation needs it.


Swedish gripen a has the wheels of the c and as far as I can find the gripen a shouldn’t have internal countermeasures either

correct, JAS39A had Skyflash capabilities until they integrated the AIM-120. the JAS39C has however never been able to carry them.
i think they removed that bit of code in the radar software to accommodate the ARH missile codes in mk.2 or mk.3, unsure which though.

not in Swedish service. while yes the C can also be in english. in Swedish service everything is in Swedish.

we had the aim-120 on Viggen. wich we tested alot of components that went into the early versions of Gripen. Gripen was never meant to use Skyflash at all. i, and a couple friends have found nothing that can really support that the Gripen A could carry Skyflashes, since they where both outdated and phased out by then. maybe the early prototypes like 39-1 and 39-2 could. but not anything built after those.

and there exists so little info on the mk1 and mk2 versions of Gripen’s radar on the Internet its basicly none. and what does exist says nothing about being able to use skyflash.